LOVE BITES Chapter 16 : Unraveling Minds

Start from the beginning

A thin dust drifted into the air. My eyes widened as I sensed something begin to slip, something begin to lose life. It was something significant. Everyone seemed to sense it too because for a split second, all the beings in the room froze.

Mommy lowered her mouth to Daddy's ear and whispered something that only he could hear. Whatever she said gave him strength because in the next moment, he was righting himself, leaving the arrow and knives jutting out of his chest as he faced off with another vampire and Hunter as they crashed through the windows, breaking the silence.

Mother appeared beside Alastair and I and grabbing our hands she said in a rush, "Now we go."

"But Daddy!" I cried just as everything disappeared in smoke.

Tears were streaming down my face in silent sobs. My mind was a riot of clashing screams. I pulled at my hair, begging for it all to stop.

"Lookie!" I cried, rushing forward. If it wasn't for Alastair's grip on my hand, I would have slipped on the mossy slates beneath our feet. "They look like your eyes!" I pointed to the sky where clouds of various shades of purple littered the sky.

"You think so?" Alastair asked.

My heart ached. I felt like I was being ripped apart from the inside out and yet I couldn't cry out. I couldn't scream aloud. I was silent. It was killing me and I couldn't call for help.

"But it's not just the vampires lashing out now."

"I don't know... Mommy, Daddy...drinking but no pain hungry."

"You and I both knew about the waging bellicose attitudes rising between our species. That was why we decided to shelter our daughter in the first place."

"Promise me, Alsa. Promise me right now that you will always love me."

"They've involved the hunters."

"No one could have foretold the direly of what our lineage would become."

Mommy covered her mouth, fighting to stop her sobs, and nodded. "I want my child to live."

"It isn't you're job to kill rouge vampires," he bit out, "it's ours as part of the Hunter Council."

"If you want adult kisses, Nikki, you'll have to hurry and grow up."

"Thanks," he mumbled gruffly to me.

"You're the daughter of two Imperials which means you have the same blood and power flowing through your blood as we do."

"Promise me, Alsa. Promise me right now that you will always love me."

I couldn't take this anymore.

I stumbled out of the room, the walls caving in around me. My hands felt along the walls, feeling every crevice and dint. It was a reminder. Telling my feet they were on the ground and not floating on a cloud. Almost there.

"Klein!" Running, and almost tripping down the stairs, I flew into Klein's open arms as he sauntered into the manor. I felt the thin spikes of his stubble against my cheek and giggled. "You forget to shave again," I told him.

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