Chapter 4

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Natsu's POV

"I'll fit in where?" I ask. Lucy smiles. "Makarov runs an orphanage. I work there and the bar half. We have all kinds of people there. Even different creatures!" Lucy grabs my hands. "Please Natsu! Please~" She gives me puppy eyes. I look away. "If you want. But if I don't like it I'm coming right back." "That's fine! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" She tackles me in a hug. I pat her back. "No problem. So if the place has other do you even...?" "Our town is familiar with different creatures. So you'll be fine!" 

I follow Lucy, wearing Lucy's cloak because I don't have a shirt or something to wear. (He accidentally burned his vest) Still had pants and sandals though! "can we make holes in this or something? My wings aren't comfortable." My wings were twitching from the unusual cover. "Sure. Here." Lucy walks behind me and rips giant slits in the cloak. Lucy grabs my wings and gently slides them through the holes. "There. That better?" I stretch my wings out. "Yeah. Thanks!" "No problem." We continue walking, following gramps. " long have you two known each other?" Me and Lucy look at each other. I shrug. "Half a month to a month." Lucy nods. "Yeah, that's about right. Why?" "curious. You two seem...close." I blink but Lucy blushes. "We're friends." "Y-Yeah. That's all"

We arrive in town. I was expecting screams of terror our looks of disgust, not looks of awe and curiosity. "Something wrong Natsu?" She tugs on the sleeve of the cloak. I shake my head. "Expected something different." "Oh. Well it's a nice town." "you'll like it here child. No hatred of any kind lies here." Gramps says. I tilt my head. "Oh...This is a strange town then" "It really is" Lucy sighs. We stop in front of a big building with the sign, Fairy Tail. "Are orphanages suppost to be this big?" "No. But we hold the most orphans than any other orphanage. Even creatures." I look at the building in awe then mutter. "Could've came here the first time" "What?" I wave a claw. "Don't worry about it." Gramps leads the way. Lucy grabs my claw and holds onto it. I grip her hand and we walk in.

I look around in awe. Creatures of all kinds and humans. Some from toddlers to teens, to adults. Even a few infants. "Who's this Lucy?" A woman with red hair and wearing armor walks up to us. "Hi Erza! This is Natsu! He's my friend!" "Nice to meet you Natsu. My name is Erza." She holds a hand out. I hesitantly shake it. "Yeah." "I take it you're a dragon?" "Yeah..." "Hm...interesting. Second dragon in Fairy Tail." I blink. "Second?" Lucy lets my hand go. "You heard me say Wendy, right? She's a dragon." I cross my arms. "Cool. I'll have to meet her." Lucy giggles. "yup! Now do you want to join the guild?" "Guild?" Erza nods. "It's a place for mages and magical creatures join up and earn money and stuff." Erza explains. I look a Lucy. "I'm in the guild Natsu. Its fun! You should join too!" "Alright. This place seems cool. I'll join"

I follow Lucy to the bar. We stop in front of a woman with white hair. She had little bat wings coming from her back. "She's part demon. Don't mess with her." "Thanks for the warning." "Hi Lucy! This your friend?" "Yup! He'd like to join the guild! Oh do you have any shirts for him Mira?" "I do! Any what color and where would you like it?" I take off the cloak, Lucy helping with my wings. "Right shoulder, red." "Over the scales?" "Yes, just put make the red a darker color please." "Sure thing!" She presses a stamp over my scales. Then she removes it and a mark appears on my shoulder. "Cool" Mira hands me a black shirt. I slip the shirt on and it gets caught where my wings attach to my shoulder blades. "I'll help you Natsu." "Thanks" Lucy lifts my folded wings and then sets them over the shirt. "Lets show you around. Then you can meet Wendy"

I follow Lucy to a table. We sit down in front of someone. It was a dragon. She had long blue hair in pigtails. She didn't have horns or scales. She had feathered wings, almost like angel wings, and a small white fur covered tail. "H-Hi! M-my name's Wendy! Wh-What's yours?" "Natsu. Nice to see another dragon." "Y-yeah!" I place my hands on the table and lean in. "Did your parent disappear too?" She widens her eyes. "Y-Yeah! My mother disappeared on-" "7-7-X777? My dad disappeared on that day!" "That's the day my mom disappeared!" Lucy looks at us in silence then she speaks up. "My mom died on that day" We both look at her. My eyes soften. "Oh Lucy..." "Its alright. But I don't think it's a coincidence that your parents disappeared on the same day"

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