Day drei! Video games!( Crackfiction)

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Spring. Time to clean! Leon hated cleaning by himself, so he invited Emil over to help. When cleaning usually you find something and get sidetracked. That's exactly what happened here.

"Damn! you one again!" Emil said panting from playing just dance.

"I used to exercise by playing this game. " Leon stated while pulling off his shirt.

"Another round?" He asked.

"What?"Emil was to busy looking at Leon's body to remember what he said.

"Another round?" Leon asked again.

"Uh yeah." Emil replied.

"Oh, and you should take your shirt off. You might get over heated" Leon added.

They decided to do a favorite of both......... SWEATSHIRT BY JACOB SARTORIUS!!!!

Iceland: *bich slaps Shetland* HELL NO!!!

Shetland: I was kidding! How bout ice ice ba-

Iceland: NO!!!!!!!

Norway: Ice ice baby baby. Ice ice ba-

Iceland: STOP.

Hk: how bout boku no pico. Koi wo shi-

Shetland: Hong. Stop. Please.

S. Korea: do a lap dance or swing on a pole.


S. Korea: China's asshole.

Japan: but that ord man is a giant asshore.

Iceland: that's it! I'm out! House is clean!*harambe descends from sky and icey jumps on. They go home.

Hk: no! my ice ice baby is gone! i go look for my icey.

Shetland:  the main characters are gone so this chapter has come to its conclusion.

I'm sorry the story was so short and crappy. I failed but day three got done. Uh yay I guess. Have a picture for a present.

 Mob psycho 100!!!!! Its good!

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Mob psycho 100!!!!! Its good!

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