Chapter 13

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I walked through the hallway as Tao walked by and pushed me aside with his shoulder, making me hit the lockers against the wall. I winced in pain and looked behind me. Tao, Suho and Kris were standing together now and they were looking at me.

I quickly walked further towards the toilets. Those toilets were always very quiet, no one really used them. I put my backpack down and turned on the water. I splashed my face and let the water cool down my heated head and tried to calm down.

When those three were without Jongin, it meant trouble. I looked at my face in the mirror and noticed how tired I looked. I sighed and looked at the door as I heard footsteps. My heart was racing as I saw who came in.

They were talking with excited voices. "I heard Kyungsoo here and Kai have spend some time together," Suho said to the other two.

"You know what I heard?" Tao asked. "I heard Kyungsoo here, has a little crush on our Kai."

"A little?" Kris appeared next to me, making me jump in surprise. "I think it's a little bigger."

"Why don't we ask him?" Tao suggested. "What do you think Kyungsoo?"

"Do you wanna tell us the truth?" Suho came closer too. "Or shall we make it a little easier for you to tell us?"

Tao grabbed my collar, this movement made me close my eyes, expecting a hit. But all he did was laugh. "The little boy's scared."

They both laughed with him.

I tried to get out of Tao's grip, but failed. "What are you doing Kyungsoo?" He asked. "Do you want us to leave?"

I didn't answer, which made him impatient. "I asked you something gayboy."

I nodded slowly.

Kris came standing in front of me, "bad luck faggot." I didn't saw him lifting his fist, I only felt a stinging pain in my nose. I touched the skin above my lip and saw it was already red from the blood that came out of my nose. I never wanted to disappear so badly as I did know. The pain created tears in my eyes, but I didn't want them to see me crying, so I did my best to swallow the lump away.

"So, how big is your crush on Kai?" Suho asked, rolling up his sleeves.

I didn't answer him, everything I said would be wrong anyway.

Suho pushed Tao away and punched me right above my eye. I stumbled backwards, letting out a whimper. "Please." I murmured pressing a hand on the place he had hit. "What do you want me to say?"

Kris laughed scornful, "admit you are a faggot with a big crush on our Kai."

"I... I am a..." I couldn't say it. The words tasted weird in my mouth.

He came towards me and pushed me towards the sink. He slammed my hand against the material, making me whimper again. He kept pushing my head down and turned the water on. "Maybe this will clear your mind," he said.

What he did kind of surprised the other two who were now just looking at him.

The water took away my breath and I tried hard to pull my head back.

"Kris," Suho said warningly.

Kris finally let go of me and kicked my bottom so I fell down on my knees and hands. Tao came closer again and kicked my stomach. "Agh!" I grabbed my stomach with both hands and curled up like a ball. That one hurted badly.

"Say you're thirsty for Kai," Suho kneeled next to me. "Say it."

"I am... I am thirsty for..." My breath was heavy from the kick in my stomach. "Kai."

Suho laughed, "good boy. Now say you want him to fuck you."

I groaned and Tao kicked me again. "Say it you faggot."

"I want him to fuck me," I said softly.

"See, with a little help you can say a lot." Kris remarked. "Now was that so hard?" He kicked my head. I rolled over to my other side, yelping in pain.

"Please!" I begged. "Stop," my voice cracked. "I'll say everything about Jongin that you want me to."

"You hear that?" Tao said. "He's begging."

"Poor baby," Suho said. "He's hurt." He grabbed my face and then looked behind him. They had a short conversation without words and then Suho let go of me. "Let's go boys."

They stood up and left me there alone. I crawled to the wall, so I could sit with support. Tears started streaming down my face.

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