Chapter 9

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Aviana's POV:

"Aviana wake up we're about to land in London," heard him saying while shaking my arm gently.

"Just few minutes pleaaaaase,"

"You can't it's dangerous, wake up,"

"Ahhhhh," then my eyes suddenly widened.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry for sleeping, I'm so stupid-"

"It's okay, we all fall asleep now fasten your seatbelt we're about to land,"

"Okay." I was so embarrassed from sleeping, can't I do nothing g embarrassing just one time in my life?

We went his mansion, he told me to stay in the guests room. I unpacked my things. Then wore my baby blue skirt and my baby pink shirt, I put on light makeup, let my hair down and curled the ends of it.

I went to the living room waiting for him to come before going to the presentation.

"Hey," he said to me casually.

"Hey, shall we go?"

"Yeah come on," he went out the door and I followed him to his car, at the car we didn't talk much. After maybe forty minutes we arrived.

"Don't leave my side okay?",

"Okay," I replied. We went to the meeting room, while passing all the people were greeting him by saying hi and good morning and all the girls were sending me glares, I don't know why, I'm just like them here.

After two hours we finished the presentation and went to the kitchen to get a snack.

"I see you've got a beautiful personal assistant Alex," one of his his friends that we met in the kitchen said.

"I know, and you better watch yourself and don't come anywhere near her," Alex replied without any emotion on his face.

"Ummm... I think I will try, but I am sure I can't, I mean look at her face how can I keep myself-"

"Shut up, Just do as I said," he replied angrily and I guess he was ready to punch him, I was shocked by what happened do he care about me? And did he get jealous? OMG of cause he is not jealous and ofcourse he doesn't care about me, what does he want  from an ugly and average girl like me. Without knowing what I was doing, I went towards Alex and held his arm.

"Don't care about him lets go to your mansion now." I felt him comfort, then he freed his arm from my grip and entwined our fingers together and led our way to his car.

When I was about to open the door he hurried before me and opened it for me, I blushed and murmured a thank you. He closed the door, talked with the driver about something then sat in the back seat beside me.

"Now when we will arrive take a bath and dress up for the party tonight, I want to take you somewhere after the party okay?"

"Umm....okay... And thank you for everything Alex,"

"You're welcome princess", I blushed again. Princess huh?

I took a shower, dressed, made my hair, wore my heels, then went to the living room. It was around eight thirty, I stood beside the window and looked at the city lights, it was an amazing sight.

"WOW", I was scared, I didn't notice him entering the living room.

"Oh my god, you scared the life out of me, I was about to pass out," I said in a normal voice and put my hand on my heart.

"I am sorry, but you look very beautiful, I was shocked," I blushed for the million time today.

"Thank you, you look good too," he held my hand and entwined our fingers we went to the car, he drove this time, I sat beside him.

In an hour we were there, the music was loud and the place was very crowded with people.

"What do you want to eat?" he asked me

"Anything," I replied.


"Yeah, I love them a lot." He smiled at me then grabbed my hand with him to the table.

"Can I help you sir?"

"Yes please I need 2 cupcakes,"

"Okay," he gave Alex two cupcakes, and Alex handled one of them to me.

"Thank you,"

"Look, stop saying thank you to me, I've heard it from you today about one million time,"

"Okay, I will try." We were still infront of the the food table, the person that gave us the cupcakes laughed out loud at us, but soon his laugh faded by one glare from Alex.

"Is there a bathroom?" I asked Alex,

"Yeah there, come back soon I will be waiting for you here." Hesaid pointing to a door, I nodded and went.

Ten minutes later, I went back to him and found him with a girl, she was flirting with him, I felt a little bit jealous and then I realized that I like him and it's a bad thing.

****Author's Note****

Sorry for the late update
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Thank you for reading my story very much

~Sahar Dirani~

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