Chapter 8

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Alex POV:

I still don't believe that she is working for me. Today is her first day, I wish everything will go in a good way. I felt like a very heavy weight was removed from my heart when I asked her forgiveness.

I went and took a shower, I didn't eat my breakfast because I was willing to taste her coffee. Then I went to my car and to my building.

As usual all of them were good morning me and I was nodding my head. I went to the secretary on the first floor and asked her if Aviana came.

"Yes sir, she came 7:30 sharp as you told her," I nodded and went to my office.

After 10 minutes she knocked the door then entered. "Good morning Mr. Smith, Mr. Parker called and asked if he can meet you in an hour in your office, and I said yes because you don't have anything,"

"Remember we're alone call me Alex, and thank you. Please make me coffee,"

"Okay A-Alex."

After 20 minutes she came, she was super late, she entered my office and once I saw her, no words were able to be formed in my mouth. Her clothes were all wet from I guess blueberry juice. And her eyes were filled with tears and that fake smile on her lips.

"I'm so sorry sir, you see what happened-"

"Who did this to you?"

"I don't know, but she works on this floor she bumped into me by accident-"

"Go to the ladies restroom and there you can find a blouse and a short in the cabinet change into them, then tell me who the lady is, read her name from the paper on her shirt,"

"No it's okay, I don't have any problem-"

"Do as I said," I could feel her now smile from her heart, that smile that could lighten anyone's dull day. She walked outside the office, ofcourse handled me my coffee first.

I don't know why I was irritated when I saw her like this.

Half an hour later she knocked then entered. She was looking very beautiful wit those new clothes on her, this style fits her better really.

"Thank you Alex," she said nervously. "The girl is named Charlotte."

"I knew it, don't dare and say it was an accident, she is jealous from you because you work with me. I mean you see me more than she does and talk to me, and even travel with me." I could see her blush. Then smile. "If she irritates you on more time I will make sure that she is fired."

"T-Thank you very much Mr. Smi- I mean Alex, Mr. Parker is here,"

"Let him in," she nodded and went outside, then he entered.

"Good morning, Alex I came to talk to you about the arranged marriage with my daughter,"

"I told you and I will tell you again and again that I will not marry your daughter so leave me alone,"

"I came to tell, you that it is canceled,"

"Good news,"

"Yes it is, now I want to go,"

"Bye." It doesn't matter with me if it's over or not because I wasn't going to marry Melissa.

At 4:00 PM, I went packed my things and went outside the office, but she was still there working,

"Hey, you are still working,"

"Yeah, I am still organizing files,"

"Ah okay, now turn off the computer no one is still working. And yeah I forgot to tell you, after tomorrow we are flying to London, there is a presentation I want to represent and then a party."

"O-Okay," she turned off her computer I smiled then went outside. She is still shy around me.

I am planning to break her walls very soon.

*****Author's note*****

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~Sahar Dirani~

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