{Chapter 12}

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*Perrie POV*

My eyes slowly open, a little pang of pain was pinching my head, making me put the tip of my finger on my forehead, slowly massaging the pain away, which never seems to work. I noticed that I was in my room.

When did I come back here? I have no idea. All I remember is being in the rooftop with Jade and then it's blank.

I turned my head to the floor, clothes could be seen scattered all around the floor, It looks like it was done in a messy and rushed matter. And the first thought that came to my head was: I had sex with someone.

I began to comprehend what position I was in when I looked down. The blanket was maneuvered over my bottom half, only covering my torso and futher down. My upper is bare, uncovered, everything flashed for everyone to see. A feminine sun-kiss tan arm was slugged over my stomach. My eyes followed along her body until I reached her face.


It's Jade.

I slept with Jade.

And she was gorgeous even with her white make up smudged all over her face.

But enough about that, this is bad. This is very bad! I lightly pushed her arm away from my exposed body. Trying not to listen to the voice in my head, telling me to take a peek at the little cookie monster. It's been long since I've seen her like this, it was really tempting to do it.

I shook the perverted thoughts away from my brain. I wasn't even that drunk yesterday. Why did I let this happen?

I got the robe that was hung on the rack behind the door. I slid on the soft and silky fabric of clothing on my naked body before going to Jade's side, covering more of her body with the blanket and left the door, heading straight to the kitchen. Planning to make myself a good cup of tea and think of what to tell Jade when she wakes up.

I wonder if Leigh went back home after the party, maybe Sam or Grace brought her home, but then again, they were drunk too... She probably slept there.

"Look who is finally awake." I jumped when I entered the living room. Jesy and Leigh were sat on the sofa. Jesy looked fresh and beautiful with her green army shirt and black jeans, sipping on a cup of tea. As for Leigh, she looks like shit, wearing her US pro gym shorts and a baggy sweater, some of the fake blood from yesterday still visible on her neck.

"Morning guys." I greeted and continued my walk to the kitchen. "What are you doing here?" I asked the eldest woman.
"This one called me at five o'clock in the morning to come pick her up at Harry's house, because you disappeared and she was too hung over to drive herself home." She laughed and smacked the back of Leigh's head, making Leigh sprayed her tea back in her mug.
"Jes! You're not helping my head at all." She groaned.

"So I assume you enjoyed you're night." I laughed. "Oh, like you didn't." She said back, and I felt my cheeks gaining heat, indicating that my face is turning crimson red like ketchup.

"How do you know about that?" I turned around to face the water boiler, preventing the girls from seeing my cherry like state of a face. But considering their mischief giggles, they already knew how much they were affecting me.

"I went on to check if you were home. Let's just say that it doesn't take rocket science to piece out everything after seeing both my best friends, arms around each other while your breasts jiggle around." Her reply made the two girls laugh their hearts out.

"Stop it Leigh, Perrie is red as a ticking time bomb, she looks like she's going to blow soon."
"Coming from you, Mrs. I'm a perverted freak."

"Okay, moving on. How about we wake up the little girl."
"And say what? 'Oh, why are you naked? I stripped down all your clothings before we bonked each other.'"
"Atleast you're being honest."
"Well I'm not as fearless as you Jesminda."

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