Chapter 3: Sleepover

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   It was finally the weekend I had been hanging out with Haruhi and her friends a lot along with Mark and Sam. As we walked Haruhi home we all started talking and Sam got a call "Hey Kioshi." "What's up Sam?" "Manager called said there was a play." "Oh, what is it." "Shakespeare's King Henry The Fourth." "Oh, for I couldn't pass up an opportunity to be in a Shakespeare's play for that is my dream." I say dramatically "Yah' one that you lived three other times you were also in Romeo and Juliet,  The Winter's Tale, and Hamlet." I stuck my tough out at Mark. After we got home from dropping Haruhi off  I went to my room. Each of or rooms are different of course but, I think I went a little over bored as I walked I look into Sam's and Mark's rooms. When I opened Sam's door I was almost blinded it was so white and he had his bed hanging off the ceiling.

 When I opened Sam's door I was almost blinded it was so white and he had his bed hanging off the ceiling

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Then I opened Marks door and his room was nice as well but, I still think I went over board.

Then I opened Marks door and his room was nice as well but, I still think I went over board

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When I got into my room I was surrounded by purple and black my favorite combination. I stepped out onto the balcony outside my room and sat on one of the chairs.

 I stepped out onto the balcony outside my room and sat on one of the chairs

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Sam's POV

    It slowly started getting late and Mark and I were looking for Kioshi so we went into his room "Wow!" I said my eyes looking in every direction "Looks like some we a bit nuts." Mark muttered  as we walk out onto the balcony and found Kioshi sleeping, Mark looked over to me with a smile I knew what he was thinking. It was nice seeing Kioshi not all stressed about work and going nuts before we left America he was stressed to the max with finishing a preforming Romeo and Juliet and then he had three photo-shot along with some paperwork he had to fill in. Mark picked Kioshi up and put him on his bed and then we went to sleep.

Kioshi's POV

   I woke up to someone shaking me at first I thought it was Mark because if it was Sam he would be jumping on me "Five more minutes." Suddenly I felt jumping "Don't worry Haruhi I got this." Soon I got annoyed and grabbed Sam and tried to go back to sleep and I heard "Haruhi get Mark I need help." Yah, so to get Sam to stop jumping for good I grabbed him and was cuddling him in a tight grip so he wouldn't get away. Then my door opens gain and i'm picked up off my bed "Wake up." I shook my head I was very difficult in the mornings "Ok, were going to have to do this the hard way and next thing I know i'm through into our pool "HE'S UP!" Mark yelled and the host club, Haruhi and Sam came out. I got out of the pool taking my shirt off and muttering "I will get revenge." I walked back up to my room and changed.

" I walked back up to my room and changed

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I walk downstairs were everyone was. "Your lucky there's people here or else you would be dead right now." I say to Mark and then quickly changed my attitude "Hey guys, what up sorry about that." I say with a smile. The rest of the day we all just hung out "Hey Kioshi." "What is it Haruhi?" "Can I stay here tonight?" "Sure?" "OH!" Tamaki yelled can we stay too?!" "I don't see why not." "YAY!" Honey yelled "Hey Kioshi! Let's play hide in go seek!" "Ok." we went outside "Ok." Mark said "Since we have even numbers and only 5 rooms total five people will hide the other five will come and find them "I don't want to play by these rules." Then Mark came up and said in my ear "Your want has been cast out the window." I frowned at him "Oh, Darling don't tease me now." He whispered which caused my face to be lobster red. "OK so Hikaru, Haruhi, Honey, Sam, and Kioshi will be the fist to hide so go." We quickly ran I just hide in plain site I was on a rock that was deep in the woods that only Sam or Mark knew the way to and back without getting lost. Then I remembered Haruhi was the only girl here I quickly found her and pulled her with me "Kioshi what are you-" "SH! You are the only girl here and i'm being a good brother." I quickly hide Haruhi in a tree "The only person that would find you here is Sam and right now I trust him." I sat back on my rock not far from the tree. It had been a while til I heard "Found you." I turned my head to see Mark I stuck my tough out and the Sam appeared "Oh, you found him." Soon we called off the game no one found Haruhi and I pulled her out of the tree and directed her back to the house so the pairings are Mark and I, the twins Honey and Mori, and I put Sam and Haruhi together and that meant Tamaki and Koyoya have to share a room. That night I pulled Mark into my room because I don't want to sleep in his room so we let Honey and Mori have his room. Suddenly something hit  me two boys, one bed, and were both topless please don't take a turn like Yoai. Mark and I both got into the bed Mark started to cuddle me like I did you Sam cause my face again to turn red I could tell it was going to be a long night... That is until I fall asleep and start moving a lot and accidentally push/kick him out of bed.   

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