"Sorry to disappoint you, baby."

"Are you making fun of me, dimple?"

"Maybe," I laugh. "Dimple?" I repeat, giving him a puzzled look.

"Every time you smile, you get a dimple right here." Jack says, poking my cheek lightly.

"I see."

"A very cute dimple."

"I thought you didn't like that word?"

"Oh, that's only when people refer to me. You, on the other hand, are very cute." He strokes my lips with his thumb.

"Why thank you, for saying that, you sure know how to make a girl feel special." I smile at him.

"Don't mention it, dimple," he says and pulls my bottom lip with his thumb. Then, out of nowhere, Jack makes a move so that he is on top.

"Good morning by the way," he snickers and kisses me. I laugh against his lips and kiss him back. Softly, he makes my body melt and my mind blow.

"Hi." I whisper when he pulls away. Jack grins and thugs my lip. Suddenly his face goes from happy to concerned.

"How are you feeling today?"

"I am... good." I say slowly.

"Are you sure?" He asks looking anxious. He is actually caring about me?

"Of course." I blush. Touched by his way of looking at me.

"Good." Jack breathes and then kisses me one more time.

His hands travel down my body and stop at my hips. Leaning closer, he puts some of his weight on me, making me sink deeper into the bed. Still kissing, I put my arm around Jack's neck and caress his shoulders. I drag my free hand alongside Jack's torso and tickle his stomach with my nails. With a groan, Jack closes the gap between us so I have to pull away my hand. Otherwise it would have been stuck.

"I thought you would have understood by now that I don't like being tickled." He mumbles against my lips.

"I think I might be slow minded." I breathe and he chuckles.

"Yes, you seem to be."

One of Jacks hands finds it way inside my shirt and starts caressing my naked stomach. My own hands are stroking Jacks back up and down. Our mouths are going like two wild animals at each other.






More kissing.

I am getting overwhelmed and can't think right, it is like my brain is off. It is too much for me to handle. I need air. I jerk free and gasp for air. Chuckling, Jack moves his lips to my collarbone.

"Jack." I breathe.




More kisses are being traced along my body.


Jack groans.

"Why?" He doesn't stop; instead he tickles my navel with his tongue.

"Because you are too fast, we have to slow down."

My breathing is rapid and I feel like I've just run a mile. Jack stops to look at me. His dark eyes are wild and burning with desire. His hair is even wilder and points in every direction.

"I can't do it this fast, can we please slow down?" I beg him, still breathing as if my stamina has abandoned me. Jack nods and lies down next to me, breathing heavily as well. We just lie there next to each other and catch our breath.

"Oh boy, I just had a crazy make out session with Jack Davis." I note breathless.

"You sure have." Jack says, sounding bored.

Is he sulking because I stopped him? With an eye roll I position myself on top of him again.

"I told you to slow down, not to stop." I mutter at his confused look.

Jack grins and I rub my cheek against his chest, making myself comfy. His fingers find their way into my hair.

"Doesn't this disturb you?" I ask after awhile.

"Why would it do that?"

"Because it is not... I mean how do we proceed from this?" I ask and gesticulate between us.


"Yes, what shall we say to everyone else? Like in school?"

"Do we have to say anything? It is not like we are together or anything." Jack gives me a condescending look and I blush.

"I guess not..." I say weakly, with a weird feeling in my stomach.

What did he mean by that? Offended I arise from his embrace and sit up.

"So what? This will be all over once we get home?" I ask with a thick voice.

"That is not what I meant, Sarah." Jack sighs and sits up too.

"Then what did you mean?" My voice is barely a whisper.

"It's been one day, barely even that. Don't you think we should at least wait and see what will happen? You were the one who said that we should slow down. This doesn't have to end just because we get back home, but at the same time we don't have to waltz around about it." Jack drags his thumb across my cheek as he say this and gives me a smile.

I nod slowly. He was right; the best thing was to lay low, for now at least.

"So, I have to slow down? Exactly what am I allowed to do then?"

"I like the kissing." I tell him shyly and Jack smirks.

"That is good, because so do I," he says and cups my chin, kissing me slowly.

"I also like the cuddling part." I whisper when we pull apart.

"I see." Jack smirks and then pulls me down into the bed. I squeal with laughter. Putting his arms around me, pulling me into an embrace; Jack nuzzles my hair and kiss my shoulder.

"This cuddly enough for you?"

"Yes." I laugh and he kisses my neck. We barely have five minutes in our cuddling position before my phone rings. Jack groans and I freeze. That can only be one person; mum. The phone is on the nightstand and I reach over Jack to grab it.

Glancing at the caller ID, I see that my apprehension was true.

It is mum calling.

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