Untitled Part 24

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into the room, with four plates balancing in her hands.Dean looked up from the screen and met Castiel's eyes. He swallowed hard, snapping his eyes back to the screen. "Why don't you sit down." Mary said and pointed at the couch with her head. Sam pushed Castiel down next to Dean, smiling smugly at his brilliant plan. Dean inhaled sharply and looked at where Castiel's thigh touched his. "I'm not hungry." He got up and left the room. Mary startled, frowning at his oldest son. This probably never happened. "What's wrong with him, Sam?" Sam just shrugged his shoulders. "He probably needs to get laid." "Sam!" "Sorry, mom." Castiel chuckled, taking the plate Mary handed him. The pie was amazing, he savoured every bite. "Castiel?" Mary's voice was soft and had a second tone to it, as if she was up to something. Castiel raised his eyebrows at her while taking another bite of the pie. "Would you mind bringing Dean his plate? He seems off and if Sam or I go up to him now he'll think we wanna talk to him and freak out." Castiel knew he should say know, but it was too tempting. If he'd do this, he'd have an excuse to talk to Dean and he needed to talk to him. Sam was about to intervene, but Castiel swallowed quickly and said, "Yes, sure." He felt Sam's worried eyes following him as he picked up the plate and left the room. His heart started beating faster and faster with every step he took. He didn't know what was going to happen or what he should say or what he should do. The walk up the stairs suddenly seemed too short and he walked past Dean's and to the end of the floor and back to the stairs, while thinking of how he should start. Just say 'hi', the voice in the back of his head said. It talked to him quite a lot, maybe he should give it a name. Castiel, the voice suggested and Castiel almost laughed. Almost. That eased the tension inside him and he somehow found the courage to knock on Dean's door. "Come in." Dean said. Carefully, Castiel opened the door and stepped inside. Dean was lying on his bed, laptop in his lap and didn't look up. "I got you pie." Castiel said and felt unbelievably stupid. "Put it down and leave." Wow, okay, that didn't hurt at all, though he had expected worse.It made Castiel mad. Dean shouldn't let it out on Castiel, whatever the fuck was going on inside him. It just wasn't fair. "No." Castiel said and closed the door behind him. Dean looked up, one brow raised. "No," he asked. Castiel nodded. "No, I won't leave. Not until you talk to me. I deserve better, you know." His voice didn't crack, nor did it sound weak. He saw Dean flinching. "I know that, Cas. So, let me ask you a question." Dean closed his laptop and sat up straight. "Why do you keep on running back to me?" Castiel huffed. He didn't run back to Dean. All he wanted was to talk, especially about that damn kiss that had ruined everything, apparently. "Is it because I kissed you?" Here we go, you wanted this, Castiel said and Castiel almost rolled his eyes - yes, he actually named the voice in his head. "Because that's just pathetic. It meant nothing. I was confused and drunk." Yes, maybe Castiel deserved this. "Or because we shared this bed together? Well, my brother drugged you and I wanted to make sure you don't die and you didn't really give me another choice than to sleep in this bed with you." His voice was like acid, burning through Castiel's skin and slowly turning him into nothingness. He felt his knees give in and grabbed the table for support. This was worse than he'd expected it to be. Every word was like a stab in his heart and he couldn't move to run away. "You didn't even let go when you saw me with Lisa, did you?" Dean's voice was calmer now and he'd gotten up from the bed and was pointing his index finger at Castiel. "I wish you 

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