Untitled Part 11

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angry mask Dean was wearing, and kissed his cheek. He didn't even flinch, just rolled his eyes. When she left he turned around and looked at him, concern replacing the anger. "You okay," he asked and wrapped a hand around Castiel's shoulder. Castiel nodded. "You didn't have to SAVE me." He pointed in the direction Meg had left. "I was handling the situation very well. You didn't have to drop your chance to get laid to help me." Dean frowned, blinking rapidly, and processed what Castiel had said. He opened his mouth a few times, but didn't say anything. Castiel pushed past him and went back to the kitchen. He needed another drink and where the hell were Sam and Gabriel? The house was big, but not THAT big. He should have seen them at least. Maybe they're upstairs and Gabriel's taking it up hi- Stop, he thought and shook his head. The third and fourth drink, he downed in one go and before he could have a fifth, Dean was there and pulled him out of the house. "If you're trying to get wasted, please do it when I didn't told your brother I'd take care of you," he spit, pushing Castiel against the wall. It didn't hurt, but he gasped anyway. "I never asked you to take care of me nor did I ask Gabriel to find a babysitter for me at a party." Dean laughed and shook his head. "You're such a baby, Cas. There is nothing wrong with having someone to look after yourself."Castiel huffed in annoyance. This was going well. He had planned to talk to Gabriel about Sam and then maybe ask Gabriel for Dean's number, but it somehow had ended up like this and Castiel was mad and Dean was pissed and they were behind the house and all Castiel wanted was for Dean to kiss him. "I'm sorry." Dean said after a while and leaned against the wall next to him. "It's just, I told Gabe I'd have an eye on you and then suddenly you were gone and by the time I noticed Meg was all over you." He sighed and dragged a hand down his face. "She is pretty forward and I'm sorry if I ruined anything for you, I didn't mean to." Castiel laughed. Did Dean really just said that?! Had he forgot about their talk on the porch? Didn't half the school know it? At the beginning most people called him a fag, until Gabriel had stepped up and told them to back off. It still surprised Castiel that Gabriel was respected by so many. Not that he didn't deserve it, it was just odd. Though, Gabriel could be terrifying. "What I said a few weeks ago, I meant it. I'm gay, Dean. I thought that was obvious." His voice was calmer now and he felt the heat fading away. Dean shrugged his shoulders. "That could have meant anything," he said. "Like you didn't exactly say 'I'm gay', you know, it still could have meant you're bi or whatever." Castiel nodded at that and bit his lip. "Well, I'm gay and you didn't ruin anything for me, I just hate to be treated like a kid." Castiel admitted. "Plus, I didn't want to ruin things for you." Dean looked at him, hands in his pockets. "Oh? You mean because of that back in the kitchen? That was Lisa. We used to be together and sometimes we still fuck, I mean she's really good in bed, but," he trailed off and looked up in the sky. "But?" Castiel asked. "But she's not what I want. Anyway, we should go back inside. I don't want your first party to suck because of me." Castiel agreed. ~ Once back inside, Castiel went back to Charlie and Jess, who were still on the couch and playing a game. Dean followed him. "You know, you should go have some fun, these girls are friends with Sam and really nice. They'll have an eye on me for you and Gabe."Dean hesitated, but then nodded and turned around. ~ After a while, Charlie said, no, screamed, that they should play spin the bottle. Castiel thought it was a bad idea, considering that everyone was drunk, but he tried to not care. He had to loosen up a 

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