Untitled Part 5

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The silence between them was stupid and unnecessary. While Gabriel and Sam were laughing in the kitchen, Castiel and Dean had only shared three words. "You've to help me pick a film, Cas,"Dean said.Castiel froze. "It's Castiel," he blurted. Dean furrowed his brows. "What?" Castiel shook his head and pointed at himself. "My name, it's Castiel not ... Cas." Dean laughed at that and shook his head. "You're funny," he stated and patted the place next to him. "Will you help me now?" Castiel ignored the urge to huff and sat down opposite Dean instead o next to him. He eyed the three piles. Action. Horror. Classics. He'd never thought Dean would pick any classic films. No one really watched them these days anymore, but Castiel loved them. The simplicity was nice and made Castiel feel better. Gabriel, and even his parents, thought that this was weird and had tried to get him hooked on newer films. So as some sort of rebellion, he'd bought a lot of classic movies on eBay. "I like those," he said and pointed at the black and white DVD covers. Dean nodded enthusiastically. "Do you think we could get Sam and Gabe to watch them," he asked and took one from the pile, reading the back of it. Castiel smiled. The sight of Dean holding one of his favourite films in his hands made him feel warm inside. "I don't think so." He sighed. "And if you don't want to hear Gabe whine about how we could watch a way better movie during the film, then I suggest you to pick," he pointed at the horror film pile. "one of these." Dean sat back, still holding Castiel's favourite film in his hands. "Guess I don't want that, no. You pick one then, you probably know more about these kind of movies." Dean chuckled and started to put the DVDs back on the shelf, next to all the other ones. "Okay," Castiel said and picked one randomly. He should have told Dean that he didn't know much about these films either. It would have been a good way to bond with him. Dean took the case Castiel held in his hands and went to the TV to get everything ready. Gabriel and Sam finally came back, putting snack and drinks on the side tables, and flopped down on the couch. Castiel quickly put the DVDs back to get the place on the couch, but he wasn't fast enough. Dean sat down next to Gabriel, grinning widely at Castiel. He should've just let them on the ground. "Turn off the lights," Gabriel said. Castiel groaned, ignoring the other's laughters. It was his own fault. He trotted through the living room, turning the lights out. It was hard to suppress the urge to run to the couch, but he did it and he was proud of himself. Gabriel threw one of the pillows at Castiel and Castiel caught it almost perfectly. He placed it next to the couch, on Dean's side, and sat down. It wasn't exactly comfortable and he should just go upstairs and sleep, but if he was being honest, he had fun - despite from being embarrassed and flustered most of the time. The film started with a group of friends camping and sitting at a bonfire. In a wood. At night. Castiel tried to swallow the panic that rose in his chest. Something was going to happen. It was a horror film after all. Someone tapped his shoulder, making him jump. "You okay?" Dean asked and Castiel nodded. "We could squish together so that you could sit on here as well," he whispered and Castiel thought he saw a smile on his face. It was enticing and Castiel wanted to say 'yes, I'd like that', but he couldn't speak, so he just nodded. Dean grinned and motioned him to wait, which Castiel thought was funny. He heard Dean whisper something and then some shuffling. Dean leaned back over the couch and gave Castiel a thumbs up. Castiel got up and sat down beside Dean, thighs pressed against his. It was hard to breath at 

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