Introduction to mystic!

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hey it's the author! And I am going to tell you what you (as mystic) looks like! Now before I do that this is my first story so please no grammar police, and help me grow and such! Now to get on with it.

Mystical pacific 

You are 18 years old, you have orange hair and one eye is blue and the other is are an average height and is skinny. You always have your flight goggles on your head you have Amelia's white scarf on you with a bronze dress that is knee-length with you knee high white stockings with brown shoes. Not to mention you have a weasel  that has a matching white scarf and has fiery fur much like your hair. 

Your personality is very curious and adventure loving. You love mystery but you are to innocent for your age so that means extra attention from *ahem* the BTT. But your weasel is very protective of you so not to worry! 

Your relationships are very limited but you know of Alfred because of Amelia talking about him. China is your close friend because of trade and you view him as your big brother. That is about all of your relationships because of your strict boss not wanting you to mix with the wrong nations. 

Thanks for this and I hope that you read this and I plan to update tomorrow multiple times if I can! Bye my lovelies 

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