poor thing

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~2 and 1/2 weeks later~

Megatron pov

I vented as i sat on my throne, thinking. It went from Sky was always with me, to i don't even see her anymore, period, and Wild strike won't leave me alone. I love her, but i'm not in love with her. I finally got to move on a bit, even if it wasn't a lot, and find someone new. I stood up and went to the door. it opened and there stood sky, looking down at a data pad with a concerned look.

"sky? what wrong?" she jumped and dropped the data pad.

"s-sorry, i uh..." she picked it up and gulped.

"you looked concerned."

"i-its nothing..." i frowned.

"sky, talk to me please." she looked down.

"i need to go..."

"where could you possibly need to go? you have been avoiding me since Wild Strike came." i said frustrated. she flinched a bit. "and distancing yourself from me since Optimus. What is going on?" she kept her gaze down. I vented.

"i-im sorry..." she said quietly.

"why?" i asked, confused.

"i-i just need to go." she hugged the data pad close to her and tried to run. I grabbed her fore arm. "lord megatron-"

"no, we need to talk. You never call me lord megatron. What happened that made you start acting like this?" she didn't answer me. "im not letting go until you answer me."

"why does it matter? im just a pet..." she said and managed to get her arm out of my grip. i blinked in shock.

"sky-" Wild strike put a hand on my arm.

"leave her sweet spark, she just needs time to think." she said and kissed my cheek. I looked at her.

"we need to talk, now." i said. i lead her to our berth room for privacy. She clearly took it the wrong way because she started getting all flirtatious. "wild strike, stop. that's not what we are in here for."

"is something wrong?"

"yes, very."

"what is it?"

"what did you say to her?"

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