"What exactly does a trainer do?" I asked, shocked by what I'd heard and curious at the same time.

"Depending on what Dr Hammersmith requires, he can bring out your best or worst trait." My Dad shrugged like he didn't completely understand it either.

"Did Sean know?" I felt I really needed to know this. If he had known all along then that would mean our relationship was fake and he'd used me.

I brushed the tears from my eyes as my Dad shook his head.

"Not at first, but that day at school, in the changing rooms." I looked at him with panic. My Dad held a hand up. "Yes we know about that, and that was when Sean found out and decided that even though Justin couldn't stop with his control over Jessica, he could, however, stay away from you, so she wouldn't hurt you."

I sat and thought about this, as my Dad stood up from his seat and walked over to the window seat and sat down.

"He loves you sweetie and I know you love him. It hurts him being apart from you. Do you think Mother Nature is causing all this rain?" He waved his hand at the window and looked back to me thoughtfully, but I already knew the answer. "He tried to get him to stop." He whispered. "Dr Hammersmith I mean. They locked Sean in that room and made him watch. He feels your pain, I should know." He told me, as he buried his face in his hands.

"We were 12 years old when Dr Hammersmith tried a similar experiment on your mother. You know he never ages." He added thoughtfully, like he'd only just realised. "Well, unlike Jessica, this girl didn't survive." By now he was crying as he was remembering the horrific event. "You see, this girl had also been taught to attack your mother. Apparently this helps bring on our gifts. Your Mum couldn't control her rage and numerous lightning bolts struck the girl, where she stood. I was powerless."

I crossed the room to where he sat, hands still buried in his hands, as I knelt down at his feet. Sensing me there, he looked at me through his red rimmed eyes.

"It could have broken us both, if we weren't so strong. I couldn't have changed anything, even if I could turn back time." Sitting in silence, I listened to everything he'd said. "Please don't punish him more than he is hurting now." I turned to look at the clock, 2:38pm.

"Dad?" He looked at me with sad eyes. "I'm going out!" I quickly stood up and started to run down the stairs. "Don't make me any dinner."

"What about your coat?" My Dad called after me.

"Don't need one." I shouted.


I ran the thirty minute walk to his house, taking short cuts through different fields. I knew he got home around 3:15pm, and I wanted to be there before he did.

I got there with five minutes to spare and almost collapsed on the steps outside his house. I saw Kelly hesitate at one of the windows and decide to just leave me be.

I looked like a drowned rat, but I didn't care. I sat staring at the road searching for a glimpse of his car. When it appeared a little after 3:20pm, I stood up and waited for him to get out of the car.

At first he just sat staring at me through the windshield watching me nervously play with my hands.

Slowly he opened his car door and climbed out, closing the door, without looking at me. When he turned to face me, my stomach twisted into knots, as I looked at the sadness in his face. That's all I needed to make me rush over to him and throw my arms around him.

Cupping my hand around the back of his head, I pulled his head down to kiss his cheek. He didn't respond he just stood there looking down at the ground. I pulled his face to mine and looked up to his sad eyes. I wasn't sure if he was crying or it was the rain on his cheeks. We stood there, foreheads pressed together.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2016 ⏰

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