I have a problem

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(Bleh. The lining on this is lazy and it was done in FireAlpaca [yay free art program])


I haven't been getting enough sleep lately. 


I'll explain why I have to stay up so late now... 

It's because...

My parents.

Yes, the people that make me go to bed at 8:30 are the ones causing this. 

I probably just confused everyone so here's a detailed explanation: 

My parents banned ALL drawing at school. 

No sketchpads. 

No sticky note doodles. 

No random sheets of notebook paper. 

N o t h i n g 

Not even we're SUPPOSED to have something to do that isn't talking.

"Fuck that. 

She has to not draw ever again at school even when she's allowed to." 


So I have to sneak a notebook that's filled with copy paper and notebook paper downstairs and to my bag. 

I can't do that during the daytime because my parents are always downstairs and they'll try to organize the notebook because they think it's school stuff.... And then proceed to throw away any of my "useless drawings that take away my time in the real world" 


I chose the best out of two bad options. 


My parents reaction to me doing Inktober-

Parents: Do something productive for one instead of sitting on your bed doing nothing!


Me: I'm doing Inktober *explains inktober and how it basically forces you to be some level of productive*

Parents: Do something in the REAL WORLD that's productive.

Me: T_T *thinking* Do these morons not get that this is a daily commitment that forces me to get off of my phone for a short period of time and do something? It counts.

More of that stuff most people call art (P0ke's Fifth or so Art Book)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora