Chapter 4

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The premier ended with all hands reaching out to congratulate [Y/N] and, although it was Bug's job to admit and welcome her to the crew, he was instead shoved away with everyone else coming in. No matter, he wouldn't sweat it, there would be a minor ceremony rolling in for the occasion - not that it meant he wasn't a tad disappointed about not getting his share of the praises.

Now, the male stood outside of the studio where his form was warmed by the light of an overhead shining from the roof. He would occasionally pick up a conversation with coworkers before letting them depart.

"She was something, wasn't she?"

And he would grin, his buckteeth glinting brightly against the lighting and his ears would droop back slightly and sheepishly. He hid his look just seconds later.

"You always know where to look for the fresh ones."

The crowds thinned to pairs and then to singles trickling out but not once did he catch a glimpse of [Y/N], not that he was looking for her. He was just waiting for the cars to empty the lot, giving him space to back out and leave easily. Obviously.


Like a cliché movie taking place, Bugs turned his attention to [Y/N]'s voice and straightened his posture; clearing his throat and trying not to trip his way over to her, he was able to reach her without fumbling like a one-legged hare.

"[Y/N], you haven't left yet?" He asked, dumbfounded.

[Y/N] gently rubbed the side of her muzzle, sighing with a breathy laugh. "I couldn't get out, if I'm to be honest." She dropped her hand and stuck them both into the pockets of her jacket to avoid the cold of the outdoor conditioner. "Everyone held me back. I didn't know there'd be so many people congratulating me." Smiling cheekily, she looked down at the ground before whipping her attention up again. Bugs noticed the short locks of fur on top of her head, bouncing in the breeze, and grinned softly.

"Eh, haven't you hoid? It's common when someone new comes on set." It was partly true; there were many who came to praise the achievement of the new minors but he hadn't seen so many riled up for one person.

"Really?" She tipped her head just slightly to the side and blinked her glimmering (E/C) orbs up at him. "Oh, that makes me feel a lot less special." With whiskers twitching in amusement, she chuckled and lifted a hand to brush back her fur.

"You never know with these people," Bugs continued with his fascinating social skills, leaning his head closer to hers and raising an eyebrow. "Tell you what..." His own whiskers quivered as they mimicked hers.

"What?" [Y/N] tipped forward in curiosity, her tail flicking against the back of her thighs.

"You'll know you're special when it continues for the next week or so. It takes talent and the 'it' product to make it and, Miss [Y/N] Fox, I think you've got it." Mustering up his usual confidence, he winked.

The fur on her body rose and her ears flattened against her head in embarrassment. "You think so? Thank you, Mr. Bunny."

"Bugs," he reminded her.

"Bugs," she repeated, nodding at her mistake and making a mental note about it. "I swear, I'll get it down."

"I'm sure you will."

They smiled at one another for a moment until they breathed out at the same time and their breaths came out in a cloud of fog.

"Wow." [Y/N] shivered. "I should get to my car. My tail is going to freeze off under this vent." She nodded up to the coolers placed there to keep those coming in and out from overheating.

"Oh, yeah, of course!" He jolted and snapped his gaze to the lot. Now bare and lit up by street lamps, he squinted at the silhouette of a vehicle in the distance. "That your car over there?"

"Mhm, it should be." She retrieved her keys and the car lit up with a chirp before it faded out. "And I'll bet that's yours." [Y/N] nodded her head to the pavement and started walking. "Come on, I'll accompany you."

Bugs followed the shorter female without hesitating and was greeted by the warm summer air, now that he wasn't directly under a vent.

His ride was parked just a few lanes after [Y/N]'s but they were far enough from either of their cars to have a casual conversation going, but that meant that he had to know what to say.

"Are you going to celebrate?"

There was no room for confusion about Bug's question and [Y/N)] answered by bowing her head, laughing softly, and tossing her attention to the side at him. "If by celebrating, you mean having a glass of wine by myself as I rehearse my next script, then I think that's what I'm doing." She knitted her brow and pulled a face of mock concern. "Too pathetic?"

He snorted a short laugh. "Of course not, it's late, go home. Relax."

"In an unfamiliar apartment room? I'll try to get used to it first and not spill my glass on the carpet."

Still feeling confident, Bugs offered, "I could visit for a minute, just until you're feeling at home."

"Having the Bugs Bunny, famous celebrity, over at my small building while I unpack?" They reached her car and she leaned onto the [F/C] driver's door side, tapping the handle. "I'll feel so at home."

"I could've guessed as much."

She blinked at him and offered a smile. "Maybe next time, once I'm comfortable." Unlocking her car, she glanced over her shoulder to say to him, "I'll see you around, Bugs. Yeah?"


The door slammed shut and the engine revved, headlights blinking on to illuminate the pavement ahead.

Bugs noticed [Y/N] waving goodbye to him and he returned the gesture, sighing in satisfaction. Not until she had begun to pull up into the empty lane in front of her to avoid backing up, did he remember about the invitation to the beach party he had asked Porky to plan for her. "Crud."

With pads hitting against the pavement, he shouted, "Wait!" He flailed his arms and ran out in front of her vehicle.

Sure, he wasn't thinking. The only thought he had at the moment was that he didn't know when he would see her next. How would she know about the invitation? His recklessness and panic threw the idea of common sense to the wind; Bugs had her number, her address, everything about the employee and it would have been no problem with contacting the female.

[Y/N] slammed her foot on the brakes and popped her door open. "Are you insane!?"

Bugs pressed a hand over his beating heart and panted heavily. "I t'ink the word you're looking for is 'looney'." His ear had flopped over his right eye and he brushed it back, nose twitching. "I almost forgot something." He walked up to the door and instantly felt bad about causing her to panic at his stunt because of the horror etched on her face. "Sorry about that, but I had to tell you something."

She raised her brow and loosened her fingers around the steering wheel. "And what's that?"

"You're invited to your beach party - I mean, of course you're invited. There's a beach party going on at the end of the week to welcome you. I'll make sure to have someone pick up and show you around," he rambled, "I might even do it myself."

Her [E/C] gaze incredulously locked onto his and she finally nodded stiffly. "Yeah... okay. I'll mark it in my plans." She released a strained breath and shut the door once again, muttering a, "Silly rabbit," under her breath but smiled as he stepped out of the way to let her leave, flicking her wrist for a final wave.

When the vehicle's taillights were nothing but bright spots on the road, Bugs burst into joyful laughter. He pumped a fist into the air and whooped, his voice traveling loudly over the empty parking lot.

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