Chapter 3

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It was a different perspective, he had to admit. As Bugs and his costars performed in the setting of their usual town, [Y/N] was out in the wasteland of canyons and dirt paths competing against Wile E. to capture Rhodes so that they could be aired on time - just before the commercial break.

Finished with his shoot, Bugs came in at just the right moment to witness the new actress as she came down from above and tackled the coyote; Rhodes escaped narrowly, leaving a trail of thick dust and the sound of hmeep hmeep to echo down the dried canyon for the mocking victory.

He flinched, his nose wrinkled and his ears pressed flat over his eyes. "Ouch." Forcing himself to watch again, he caught a large shadow looming over the tussling pair.

This is it. She's done for.

He didn't know the script. It wasn't his place nor did he have the time to go over any other screenplays that didn't belong to him,

At the last second [Y/N] managed to give Wile E. a flirtatiously sly wag of her fingers before she ducked and rolled out of the way. Wile E.'s eyes bulged from their sockets as he noticed the falling boulder and is crushed underneath.

Bugs released a strained exhale and his molars unclenched to loosen his jaws. Following in pursuit with the fellow viewers surrounding him, he clapped and cheered for the new actress.

By the end of the shoot the three stars were rushed out to get cleaned up within the time limit before their newest scenes aired.

The crowd of those offset had followed, calling out to [Y/N] for personal meetings, begging for her to sit next to them at the premiere, but were all shooed away to give the fox her breathing space.

Bugs knew better. He entered the private theater room and crossed his leg over the other, tapping a finger anxiously against the armrest. He couldn't deny the raised fur on the back of his neck and tried many times throughout a minute to flatten it. Instead, a shiver ran down his spine and that's when she pulled down the cushion beside him.

[Y/N] exhaled heavily and ran her fingers through the tufts of fur between her fluffed out ears. "It's hot in here, isn't it?" The vixen fanned herself a couple of times, puffed out her cheeks for another breath release.

"Uh-huh." Bugs gulped and snuck a quick glance at her out of the corner of his eyes.

There was a short pause before she started up again. "I've been meaning to thank you, Mr. Bunny," Turning in her seat to face him, she smiled softly and continued, "you know, for accepting my résumé. I swear it, I won't let you down anytime soon."

He finally composed himself and was able to speak properly - for the most part. "Bugs. You can call me Bugs." The male held out his hand and they shook on it.

She gave a chuckle and blinked, nodding slowly so that her fur bounced and grazed her face gently. "Alright, Bugs. You can call me [Y/N]."

Bugs repeated her name aloud and unconsciously rested his chin on his tingling palm, leaning closer to her. "Uh-huh." A daze hit him and the next thing he knew, she's laughing and pressing an index finger against his forehead to push him away.

"Silly rabbit." Soon enough, her attention was pulled away by Rhodes claiming the seat beside her and Wile E. directing the conversation due to his feathered co-star not being able to speak for the moment.

Bugs huffed and slumped back into his seat, uncrossing his leg and tapping his foot against the cold ground as he waited for an opening to join in on the conversation or to steal [Y/N] for a few moments longer - to talk about the show, work, the beach party, anything.

Daffy plopped into the seat beside him and used his loud beak to shout across him to get [Y/N]'s attention. And to think that it was bad enough, oh no, not until everyone else had entered the theater; the attention was gifted towards the uprising star. The noise in the room didn't cease until the announcement for the airing of the new episode came on over the intercom.

During one point of the show, [Y/N] leaned over and nudged him playfully in the ribs with her elbow. He was grinning throughout the rest of the premier.

What's Up, Doc? ▹ bugs bunnyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz