Chapter Two - Little Red

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Age - 9

     Little Red sat there watching William sleep. She was very confused about William. About how, he had no family, no place to stay, what her grandmother had said to him, and what he did before passing out. Eventually Little Red fell asleep at his bedside. When the morning came, the first glimpse of light shone through the windows, waking Little Red from her slumber. She felt a warmth on the mid of her back. Pulling herself up in surprise, she remained panicked as she looked at William still sleeping. 

     She turned herself about the room only to see her mother standing behind her. She was immediately calmed by the sight of her mother. Little Red's mother, concerned for her jumpiness asked, "Little Red? Are you okay?"

     "I believe I am just a little frightened from last night's happenings." Little Red responded, fully awake. William shifted in the bed before opening his eyes slightly. Still fully dressed, William moved weakly to grab something from his pocket. Little Red backed away slightly from him. He pulled out a small bag and held it out to Little Red and her mother.

     "Thank you." He said, pain still hinted in his voice. Little Reds mother grabbed the bag and gently places it back in his pocket. Her mother spoke kindly, "We do not need your money. If you would like, when you get better you can work to earn your stay here." He nodded slightly and tried to sit up in the bed. Little Red grabbed his arm and helped him prop his back against the wall.

     Little Reds mother left the room to get some water and food. William pulls out a small tan bag. Smaller than the one he had tried to give them before. "Here, this is for you, please, take it. I can't do this unless you take it." Little Red took the small bag from him and was about to open it when her motherland walked in with a tray full of fruits and bread and a few glasses of water. Little Red tucked the bag into her cloak.

     "Here, the both of you need to eat." Her mother set the tray on the bedside table, and left to work on the daily chores. Little Red pulled the small bag out from under her cloak and tugged the string  from the bag to open it. A vial containing a shimmery liquid was visible along with a small folded parchment. Little Red closed the bag back up and put inside her cloak, deciding to wait till night to read it.

     "Are you hungry?" Little Red asked William, reaching toward the tray. William winced though he hadn't moved. "Does any specific thing hurt?" William leaned forward a bit. "My back, it stings." He said while trying to adjust himself comfortably. "Here, let me see." Little Red spoke. He scooted slowly to the side of the bed. She helped him stand as he unclasped his cloak then struggled to unbutton his shirt.

     "Here, sit." Little Red Sat him back down on the bed and started to unbutton his shirt. She pulled back the white clothing revealing William's fit figure. Once she had taken off his shirt completely she placed him down on the bed on his stomach. Streaked across William's back was deep red cuts the color of Little Reds cloak. Surrounding the cuts were blue and purple tinted, swollen skin.

     "Oh my." Little Red commented.

     "Is it very bad?" William asked, concern clearly lacing his words.

     "William, could you stay laying like this for a moment, while I step out to get some supplies?" Williams eyebrows furrowed at this, and he spoke, "Yes, but please don't bother your mother with it. I don't want to be any more trouble than needed." Little Red nodded and stepped out.

     She quickly fetched some healing remedies and bandages, being quick and quiet so her mother would not be disturbed. When Little Red arrived back in the room William's eyes were closed and he took shallow breaths. Little Red quickly made her way over to his bedside. She tapped him gently on the shoulder. With no response she spoke in attempt to wake him, "William. William, wake up." His eyes slowly fluttered open. He tensed, "Please, it hurts." He managed to whisper in discomfort.

     Little Red speedily, but not so that she made a mistake, applied the remedies to Williams wounds and slowly wrapped his torso and around his shoulder in order to cover the strange marks.

    Little Red looked at the torn up shirt. "Let me find something, less questionable. My mother would worry greatly if this came into her hands. And what about your cloak?" Little Red grabbed his cloak and held it up. Absolutely no marks were on it. Besides a few dirt smudges from last night. She looked at it, confused.

     "I, um, got this cloak on my way into town." William looked almost scared at Little Reds expression, which immediately became worry.

     "How long have you had this wound?" She spoke, hinting the suspicion. William, now looking panicked hesitated.

     "I came to town yesterday morning, it happened then, when I started getting cold I bought the cloak. Just before I entered town an animal attacked me and I had no idea how bad the wound was until now." William had hope that she would believe his story. Little Red didn't bother asking any further questions knowing he wouldn't give any further information.

     Little Red then walked out of the room to find a new shirt that William could use. Before she could get to the clothing room her mother stepped in front of look Little Red, knowing if her mother saw the blood stained shirt she would ask questions , Little Red tucked it inside her cloak.

     "Well, it looks like you two have really hit it off. I'm going to go see if he needs anything." Little Reds mother spoke. In a panic Little Red replied. "Its OK I've got it covered mother, but thank you." Her mother looked confused at her for a moment. "Oh, made a new friend I'm guessing?" Little Reds mother teased, Little Red knew fully well now that her mother thought she liked him. Little Red went along with it and blushed as she headed off to the clothing room. After finding a shirt that would fit him, she threw the bloodied shirt in the fire. Little Red hurriedly walked back to Williams room.

     Upon entering she saw William, underneath the covers seemidly sleeping. She gently tapped his shoulder. "William, are you okay?" He then looked up at Little Red. He was pale and his eyes were bloodshot. "Hey, I heard your mother coming earlier and I didn't really know what to do. She didn't see the wound though." William spoke weakly.

     "William, you look terrible. Here I have the shirt. Go slow, we have to sit you up." Red grabbed his arm and helped him sit. Slowly she pulled on the shirt and buttoned it up for William.

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