Chapter 5: Sunday Morning

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(A/N:) Hey there! I'm sorry that it's been a while since I last updated this (and by a while, I mean about two weeks?). This part has actually been written for some time and I just haven't gotten around to posting it until now lol. 

With that said, how about we just jump right into it~


Dylan's POV:

 I felt discomfort start to prick like needles against me skin. I groaned and reached up, tracing my fingers slowly along the shell of my ear. It was chilled, cold to the touch. Sitting up, I shook off the odd sensation and glanced around lazily. My gaze met an increasingly familiar set of dark orbs. They were staring at me with content. "Milo?" I questioned cautiously, sliding into the sitting position.

"Dylan," the pale boy responded, his tone sounding flat and matter-of-fact rather than harboring any sort of condescension or patronizing inflection. "I've come to discuss the time at which you are to report to the basement for tomorrow's movie." He stated, pacing closer to the side of the bed.

"A-alright." I stuttered. This was all too weird and I, for one, didn't like it. When at first Milo didn't respond, I decided that I'd have to prompt him, "what time?"

"At approximately midnight." The dark haired ghost child stated, "and don't be late. I don't want to have to come and get you, and believe me, neither do you." Milo hissed, his lack of tone turning into one of contemptuous disdain, as if this conversation had become nothing but a waste of his precious time. Honestly, I felt confused by his sudden turn of emotion, considering he was the one that had enacted this little chat.

"Okay, fine, now can you leave? I was sleeping." The words that slipped past my lips sounded far more rude than I had intended.

Milo seemed to be biting his tongue. The glint in his eyes showed that he was fighting the urge to snap back, scold me even, yet, he said nothing and instead took a deep breath. "Alright, I'll go." He turned to walk away, hands folded neatly behind his back. I stared at the rearward of his shoulders as he sauntered around the edge of my bed toward the darkest corner of my room. With a quick glance over his shoulder, Milo sneered, "Don't forget." With those final two words, he sharply turned his head, and like a sort of mist in the night, he dissipated into the shadows.

For a moment after Milo had disappeared, I watched the darkened corner, my body tense as if I expected some sort of demonic beast to spring at me from what I had assumed was just a corner, but now wondered if it was an abyss into some unknown realm. After a hot minute of silence and absolute stillness, I slouched back down. "Ugh," I grunted, half out of contempt for the spirit-boy that had woken me from my sleep and half out of self pity for my current situation. I mean, come frickin' on! I had to go into my nasty, dank basement every single night to watch some horrific home movies of people getting murdered. Oh, and don't forget the fact that there are ghost children lurking around my house, watching me and following me around. I shuttered at the thought.

With several deep breaths in and out, I finally calmed myself down and shut my eyes, letting sleep wash over me for, what, the third time tonight?


The morning came all too quickly, golden rays of sunlight creeping in through my small bedroom window. The melodic song of a chirping lark filtered into my room (at least, I thought it was a lark but, I'm not a damn bird expert). I grumbled groggily to myself and rolled out of bed. All I wanted to do was go back to sleep and just rest for the duration of the day but, of course, it was a Sunday so chores were in order. Don't get me wrong, I was excited to help my mom clean out the old church on the back lot line of our property but, at the same time, I was hesitant; I still had to clean. More or less, I was just excited to do some urban exploring.

"Zachary!" I heard my mother's muffled shout from downstairs and rolled my eyes. It was a typical morning, much unlike the night I had endured just hours ago. I woke up, reluctant to get out of bed, my mom was yelling at my brother for some dumb thing that he had done, and I was left to wonder what the point of everything was. School was fun, when I actually went and playing in the yard was fun, when I had friends other than Zach. Now, everything seemed...bleak. Making my way down the stairs, I saw that there was a lack of breakfast on the table. My questioning thoughts were quickly answered when my mother spotted me, "Morning, Dylan," she smiled and I felt slightly better, returning her small act of love by smiling back, "there's some yogurt and OJ in the fridge; you can help yourself." she stated, before turning her attention back to the messy counter she was wiping down. "I was going to make some waffles but, your brother decided that he'd try to do it himself." she chuckled, her voice was calm yet it hinted at a fair bit of irritation.

"That's alright," I uttered, trying to make her feel better about the situation.

"If you say so," she smiled softly, despite the fact that I had utterly failed in my attempt to comfort her.

I padded slowly to the fridge and opened the heavy metal door, feeling the cool air against my skin. Goosebumps formed and I shivered slightly, thoughts of last night rushing into my mind. The damp basement, the sound of electricity rushing through water, muffled yelps of pain and terror and agony. It wasn't until my mother called my name that I realized I had zoned out.

"Dylan, you're letting all the cold air out!" She exclaimed.

"Oh, sorry," I quickly stated and focused on the task at hand. Getting up onto my tiptoes, I reached for the yogurt that sat on the top shelf of the fridge. My fingertips barely reached it. I felt a presence behind me and suddenly Zach was reaching for the yogurt cup, grabbing it with ease. I looked to him expectantly but, he only smirked, walking away with the last of the yogurt. "Hey-" I started, feeling frustrated at his apparent selfishness. Without turning to look at me, Zack held up his middle finger before walking off. I seethed, taking a breath in through my nose. I was about to give chase when I felt eyes land on me, a shiver trickling down my spine. I recognized this feeling. Looking into the living room, I saw nothing yet, I knew. I knew that they were watching.

It started to sink in, the gravity of what just happened.

Zach was proving his dominance.

Showing off.

Demonstrating that he was better than me.


(A/N:) and that's Chapter 5! I'm actually quite proud of this one <3

I hope that you liked it :3

Thanks for reading and have a great day!

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