Chapter 3: Introductions

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(A/N:) thanks for reading- I hope that you enjoy this chapter and don't forget to leave feedback :3

Dylan's POV:

I found myself lying in bed, staring at the bland white ceiling as I thought. I dreaded the idea of sleep. Ever since this morning, I had been seeing this boy, the same one as in my nightmare the night before. I feared that sleep would bring more nightmares or maybe worse, it'd leave me vulnerable. I watched the shadows being cast onto my ceiling by the silvery moonlight with ease, my mind slowly slipping. Before I knew it, the dark abyss of sleep gripped me and I passed out.
When I came to, I was watching a different boy, stout and light haired unlike the one before. He was sitting on a chair in a kitchen, putting on tall rubber boots. Water sloshed around below his feet. I watched as he stood and waded his way to the far wall, grabbing a long chord from the counter top. The end was frayed with exposed wires. He grinned a familiar grin; one I had seen before. It was that same sinister grin that told me there was about to be a massacre. He dropped the chord into the shallow water and I felt a powerful jolt rush through my body, burning through my skin.

With a start, I woke up, feeling my arms to find that my skin wasn't burnt. 'A nightmare...' I thought with an exhausted sigh. Looking up, I froze, my breath hitching in my throat. Standing at the end of my bed was the boy from my first nightmare. He looked just the same as I had seen him earlier that day, dark hair combed neatly to the side with clothes clean and crisp. "W-who are you?" I stuttered, sliding up into the sitting position. As tired as I felt, my guard was up and I was ready to bolt.

"Unimportant," he stated matter of factly, "what is important, however, is that I know how to make your 'nightmares' go away."

I just looked at him, unsure if I was just imagining this whole ordeal. He raised an arched eyebrow at me, waiting expectantly for an answer. "How?" was all I could manage to ask.

"Well," he started, pacing to the side of my bed, "come with me and you'll find out." The boy held out his hand for me to take and I felt my own arm reaching up to accept. My hand gripped his and I shivered. He felt cold and his muscles felt hardened with rigamortis. With a light tug from his end, I was pulled out of bed, my feet landing silently on the cool, hardwood floor. I was lead through out of my bedroom and down the stairs until he stopped us directly in front of the basement door.

"Uhm...." I looked at the old splintering wood door with worry. 'The basement?' I thought with unease. 'What could he possibly want me to do in the basement....and how is this gonna help me get rid of my nightmares?' So many questions that I didn't have answers to. The boy flashed a fox like smirk at me before opening the door and dragging me inside, showing me a large wooden hatch in the floor.

"Open it." He commanded, gesturing toward the cut out passage to the basement. Without a word, I did as he said, pulling open the hatch. Before me laid a set of rickety wooden steps that seemed to just descend into an abyss of nothing but darkness. "Go on, what are you waiting for?" He asked, placing his cold, dead hand on my back to usher me forward. I felt a shiver trickle down my spine at his touch, and I moved away, heading down the stairs. The space was dank, and smelled of mold. I held back a sneeze, pressing forward cautiously. With a click, the basement came to life. Before me was a white sheet pinned up to the damp cobblestone wall and an old film player shone a bright white light onto the the make-shift screen. I watched as the boy walked to a small table and pulled out an old cardboard box. Humming a little tune, he perused the boxes contents until finally he pulled out a small, round metal container. A piece of tape was stuck to the front with the words 'Kitchen Remodel' scrawled messily on it. "Perfect," he said to himself with a little smile before turning back to me. "In order for your nightmares to go away, you have to watch these tapes every night." He said, pacing to the side of the projector.

"Every night?" I echoed questioningly, looking to him with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes," he nodded, popping open the round case and pulling out the film, "every night." With steady hands, the boy skillfully laced the tape through the old machine, almost as if he had done it many times before. With the flick of a small switch, a moving image appeared on the sheet. It was a video of a family eating in a kitchen, laughing and smiling as they went about their lives unbenounced to what was about to happen. I recognized that kitchen as the one that I had a nightmare about just minutes ago. I knew what was going to happen, but I watched anyway. As the film progressed, I started to feel a presence hovering around me and I looked over my shoulder to see that the boy and I had been joined by four other children; similar in complexion with ghastly pale skin. I felt unease wash over me as one of them flashed me a toothy grin. Quickly, I turned back to the screen and leaned over to the boy sitting on the floor beside me, whispering as quietly as I could, "Who are they?"

The boy, perplexed by my question, looked over his shoulder at the others. "Ah," he sighed knowingly, "I'll formally introduce you once the movie's over." He calmly stated and transfixed his gaze back onto the flick playing before us. I mimicked his actions, but I didn't exactly watch the film. I knew how it was going to go, and frankly, I didn't need to see it happen for myself. All I could really think about was the situation I, myself, was in. What exactly was going on? Who are these strangers and why did I willingly follow them into the basement of all places? I realized that I had completely zoned out when the boy beside me snapped his finger in my face and I jumped back to reality. "Dylan, how did you enjoy the movie?"

"Mm..." I couldn't find the words to describe the way I felt; all I knew is that I didn't like it, not at all. The boy, with a roll of his shoulders, stood up and I followed, looking cautiously to the four other entities before us.

"Dylan," the dark haired male beside me spoke, "these are our friends. They're going to help you get rid of your nightmares." he stated, the corners of his lips twisted upward into a sort of slimy smirk. My distrust in him was growing, but what could I really do?

"Heya, I'm Ted," I light haired, scrawny boy introduced somewhat over enthusiastically. He looked at me through, squinty, bloodstained eyes and gave me a snaggle tooth smile. I reluctantly gave him a nod in return. He was definitely the shadiest looking of the five.

I moved on the next. It was a small girl with bright ginger locks that hung to her waist. "My name's Catherine..." she said flatly, her dead eyes staring through me. I shivered slightly and looked away.

The next was a built, broad shouldered boy. I recognized him as the boy from 'Kitchen Remodel'. "Peter," he introduced with a firm nod of his head, which I returned. He looked like he could beat the ever living shit out of me and I took note not to get on his bad side.

The fourth was a girl about my age. She had dark brown hair that poked out from beneath a snow cap and she wore a loose fitting winter jacket. I wondered how she wasn't dying of heat, I mean, here I was in a tank top and shorts and I was sweating. It could've just been my nerves. "My name's Emma." She greeted with a playful smile. She seemed to be the most lively of all of them and definitely came off as more friendly. With a small smile of acknowledgement, I looked to the fifth and final kid.

The one that had been haunting my thoughts since the night prior.

He gave a subtle bow, the same faintly devious smile on his lips as he looked down on me with his dark eyes. "I'm Milo," he introduced formally, holding a hand out to shake. I was compelled to shake it and I did, not breaking the eye contact between us. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Dylan Collins."

(A/N:) Hope you liked this chapter!
Thanks for reading and have a great day <3

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