Chapter 2- Observation

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(A/N:) Sup dudes

My fam worked really hard on this chapter and I personally love their writing. They don't care about my opinion lol XD but they do wanna know what you think and would appreciate feed back :)

Anyways, let's get riiiioooooooogggghhhtttt into the nnnneeeewwwsss


Milo's POV:

I stood from afar watching Dylan Collins, he was out in the backyard searching for his brother, "Zach!" he shouted into the dense fog surrounding the forest. He looked around nervously as he waited for an answer. The dream seemed to be having the desired effect, but something was off. He wasn't breaking down nearly as much as I had expected. Finally an answer rang out, "Over here!", and with a final glance around, he dashed off into the woods. I too set myself on a path into the woods to continue my observation of the Collin's boy. I walk, weaving in between the large trees, following the sound of cracking leaves and twigs. I took my time in reaching the twins, drinking in the scenery all the while. The moisture of fog is giving the air a damp decaying smell. And It is quiet here, no birds are singing, no bugs are buzzing, I would say it's peaceful in a sense. If I could remember what peace is like, but that's besides the point. A short while later I hear the hushed murmur of voices.

I find myself a small purchase of land behind quite the large tree, it's giving me the perfect view of the boys. They are just out of earshot, the voices are not much more than incoherent ramblings from this distance. But Zach, the brother, looked excited about something, and Dylan seemed to share in his excitement. I couldn't place it, but something still seemed off about the two of them. On further inspection, they seem to have found a hut made from weathered sticks and logs. They part ways, scouring the ground for large branches. Zach is indiscriminate about what he gathers, uncaring about it's structure. Dylan on the other hand, inspects each branch of it's integrity before deciding whether it is worthy or not. While, Dylan is more quiet and reserved, Zach shows characteristics of being impulsive and unassuming.

Awhile into watching them I was transfixed on my thoughts, unknowingly allowing myself to be spotted by Dylan. Swiftly moving out of sight, I choose to head back to the farmhouse. I strolled up to the dilapidated fence that divides the withering corn field from the lawn of the house. I lean down, resting my elbows on the splintering wood of the fence. Again, I was lost in thought staring blankly into the cornfield, following it's gentle swaying motion. Not even five minutes had passed before the loud slam of the back door jolted me out of my hypnotized state. I was unsure of who had just returned, whether it be Dylan or Zach. A movement in the upstairs window of the house catches my attention. I spy a figure standing in the window and I soon recognize it as Dylan. Satisfied in my knowledge, I turn and leave deciding I've wasted enough time.

Entering the home, I head to the basement. Passing through the decrepit door, I tread softly, descending down the creaking steps of the staircase. I look over the dank space of the basement. It has the stench of mold. I mill about checking everything over before settling in front of my work table. With little issue I find the switch string of the lamp, and it's weak bulb brings everything to light. I have not long before another, somewhat annoying, interruption comes along.

"So... Milo, how's the newest recruit?" I hear Ted's nasally voice call from behind me, interrupting my concentration and current task. "I'm unsure, all I can say in confidence right now is that he's not going to be easy to break" I state darkly, turning to face the short strawberry-blonde before me. "What about the brother?" he inquires curiously.

"The brother is quite the opposite and easily corrupted, but again, I've just started this recruitment. I can't really say much more than how difficult it is going to be at this point" I answer, already exhausted with Ted's antics.

Ted's amber eyes suddenly brighten, as if he had an epiphany "Why don't we take the brother instead?" he suggests excitedly. I frown.

"Imbecile, while the other one does in fact have a weaker will, that is not how recruitment works. You can not simply change who Bughuul chooses for the chain out of your own convenience, It must be the youngest child of the family." I spit annoyed, "Now, leave my presence and join the others, I must prepare. You all will be called when I need you" I finish in a firm tone.

Ted does not refute my wishes, he simply turns and walks into the darkness underneath the basement's old wooden stairs, his small frame fading away into it's deep blackness. I turn back to my dimly lit work table, looking over the winking metal cases of the movie reels, each carefully labeled with an aged piece of tape containing the family name to which it belongs too, they're all screaming "pick me. Pick me". 'So, who should I plague him with tonight?' I mull over it in my head.

A few hours pass and I have picked out a small section of Peter's movie for tonight, with my work complete for the time being I decide on going out, maybe I'll even watch the sun fall down into it's momentary cornfield grave.

With a small click, I shut off the lamp and head up the creaky stairs of the rickety farmhouse, passing through doors with peeled paint and cracking plaster halls to reach the front porch. Unworried if anyone will see me doing all too human mannerisms, for I know there is no one home, they have long since gone out. They went while I was still working. I heard the loud thumping of the boys and the calmer more delicate footsteps of their mother above my head, the slamming of the screen door and then the grumble of a revving engine. Signaling their departure.

Upon passing through the front screen door, a rich orange light illuminated my deathly pallor. The sun is floating just above the horizon, temporarily staining the sky and surrounding clouds; bright yellows, oranges, pinks and purples. The golden sea of dying stalks, is taking on a life of it's own swaying more harshly in the chilled early fall breeze. I move to the edge of the porch and take a seat, allowing my legs to dangle over the edge. I swing them absentmindedly, childishly, as I wait.

The family will return soon, and I will continue the recruitment of Dylan Collins. All that matters and all I can do in my current state of affairs is continue Bughuul's chain. So, tonight I will put on my best show for Dylan.  


(A/N:) How'd ya like it? :3

Let us know what you think, it'd be greatly appreciated <333

Thanks for reading and have a great day :)

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