The Blue Haired Boy in the Coffee Shop- Awsten Knight

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Everyday I follow the same routine. Get up, get dressed, grab my laptop, and then sit at the local coffee shop for hours on end writing.

Its always so interesting to watch the people come in and out. They never seem to notice me, but I notice them. I notice their habits, their behaviors, body language excetra, and I find it very helpful for writing characters.

Most times I just write them, but never use them. But their is a few that I watch everyday. One is a strange boy with bright blue hair.

Everyday he comes in at the same time 11:30, its almost like clockwork. He orders the same 4 drinks, he sits at the same stool at the window and plays on his phone while he waits, and then he pays and leaves. I know not very interesting, but he's always so happy. He'll joke with the barista or converse with the costumer behind him. And a part of me envies his happiness.

I've always wanted to talk to him for that reason, but I lack the courage. So I write. I've turned him into the love interest in my story, and in times when I feel like I could use him, I stowaway in my little fantasy world, just the two of us.

And usually thats what I do. He sits and I watch & write. But today was different. He walks in, but this time he orders two drinks. And like normal he sits and waits. When his orders are ready, he walks towards me. Almost instantly my brain begins to freak out. What would he think of me? I sound like a stalker. I mean I watch him, and have used him as a character in my book for christs sake.

I start typing away at my computer trying to make it seem like I wasn't watching him. He sits down in front of me and slides a cup towards me. I look up and see him smiling. But not like a creepy 'I just drugged your coffee' smile, a genuine friendly smile.

"I asked the barista, and she told me your usual order. I swear I didn't poison it or anything, " he says slightly laughing. God that laugh could kill me.

"Thanks," I say smiling at him, shutting my laptop.

"You have a beautiful smile." He says. I look down and blush.

"I'm Awsten by the way," he says extending a hand over the table.

"(Y/n)," I say shaking it.

"So I've noticed that you sit here alone everyday, never saying a word to anyone except to order a coffee. Why is that?"

"I'm a writer. Watching people is really good for character development. You can tell a lot about a person through their habits and body language. That and I'm very much so an introvert." I say rambling the last part.

"But you're talking to me just fine?"

"I know its odd."

"Does that mean I'm special?" He says flashing that big goofy smile.

"I haven't decided yet," I reply smiling back at him.

He grabs a napkin from the table and scribbles something down, "How about I help you decide?"

He stands and slides the napkin towards me.

"I'll see you around (Y/n)," he says smiling before walking out the door.

I open the note and smile. It read:

Meet me here at 7, tonight?

Xoxo- Awsten (xxx) xxx-xxxx

That boy was something else.

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