Chapter 4

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The house half of this chapter is occurring in ^
Alex's pov

I watched Skie walk calmly out of the room with a smile on her face. She is a very odd girl, I thought, slightly smiling. I glanced at her "mother" out of the corner of my eye. She had a frown on her face, watching Skie. 

I turned toward her, waiting for her to say something. She finally looked at me and her frown deepened.

"Don't look so down. You'll be fully compensated for your services for the last seventeen years." I sat back in my chair, "And I don't particularly care why she wants to leave so soon. I can tell you don't want me to tell Lord Hades, so I wont ask."

She muttered to herself before leaving the room with her drink. I watched her go with a smile then frowned when she was out of sight. I pulled out my phone, opening the notes app I used for my daily reports.

I assume something happened when Skie was growing up and may still be happening as we get ready to leave. Maybe in her pre-teen years. Her guardian refused to say anything but further investigation might be necessary if complication with her behavior ensue.

I put the device in my pocket after saving the report. I closed my eyes to listen for eavesdroppers but found none with both occupants of the house at opposite ends. I focused my energy and power into projecting my thoughts. "Lord Hades?" I called aloud.

What, brat, he deadpanned.

"We will be arriving in the Underworld tomorrow." I stated, stoically.

I'll prepare to receive you then. He shut off communication.

I focused back in to see Skie staring at me. I shifted uncomfortably, wondering if she had heard me.

"Sooo do I have then option to leave now or are you going to talk to yourself all night?" she said, crossing her arms and raising a brow.

"Well, I have to build up energy to transport us there without any help and to the place that they are expecting us. Right now, I would say I can get us just passed the gate," I murmured, gauging my magic.

"Energy? Never mind. Can we transfer this energy you speak of?" she narrowed her eyes. I already knew what she wanted to do but was reluctant because her magic was dormant and I didn't know if touching it would awaken it or not. I would get in so much trouble if Lord Hades found out about that.

I sighed, giving in. I gesture for her to get things. She grinned then turned and ran up to her room. I know I shouldn't tap in to dormant energy and Hades will probably be angry but going early will give her a chance to get aquianted with her new surroundings.

Skie returned a moment later with a laptop case and a duffle bag. She set them on the couch, the case much more gently than the duffle. She turned quickly with an excited look on her face.

"So, how is this going to work? I'm not going to have to give you my blood right?" she questioned, frowning at the thought. Her eyes narrowed. She looked a lot like Hades when she made that face. Truth be told, I was a little weirded out by it.

"All we have to do is be in contact. So holding hands should be fine," I held out my hand to her. She stared at my hand then looked up to my face, an eyebrow raised.

"If this is a ploy to hand my hand, I will smack you," she deadpanned. I facepalmed. Of course she would have to think something like that. She is Hades daughter.

"No. I have to be able to combine our energies to transport us to the Underworld." She looked creeper out. "Stop looking at me like that and take my hand if you want to leave so badly," I snapped slightly.

She chuckled a bit, taking my hand. "Your not how I expected you to be. I thought you'd be the super brooding type. Based on how you acted as a kid anyway."

I ignored her, focusing on portal in us passed the gate without Cerberus sensing us. I closed my eyes at the dizzy feeling I got. A moment later the sounds of a bustling city reached my ears and I opened my eyes. We were standing on a less populated street of Styx.

Skie was kneeling next to me, still holding my hand. She looked like she was completely out of breath. I was relieved to see that I got her and her things here in one piece without detection. I had been practicing but never with another person and their possessions.

"Why...are you...standing there...looking smug?" A voice broke my thoughts. I looked back at the gate behind us. I glanced at Skie again, feeling a tug on my hand. She was struggling to stand up from her previous position.

"Because. We need to get away from this gate." I pulled her along while grabbing her duffle bag. She'll probably want to see Styx first. Now let's hope she doesn't get lost.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2018 ⏰

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