One Big Step {chapter 14}

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HALLO PEEPS i know its been awhile buuutttt hey im back and i will upload another chapter tomorrow cuz i have no skool tomorrow YEY and i will update every book and try my best and if wanna meet me find me on sg73 or sg3 xD anyways back to the book



"GENE COME HELP ME PLEASE??" i yelled to gene "OK" he yelled back we were moving my stuff  in to genes house even though he live like 5 house down i was still really excited i was gonna live with my boyfriend AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH im so happy like i mean i love gene with all my heart , the finally thing i need to move is my bed and thats it and i finally be living with gene i talked to my brother about it and they were fine with it they are kinda happy i wont be living alone and im moving in with someone i know and love after today im gonna take a loonnngg nap and just relax "ok im here what do you need Y/N?" gene ask "the finally thing we need to move is my bed and then were done" i told him, we pullls apart my bed cuz we are gonna put it back together, i pulled one part off and gene did the rest, like one big step

(cya guys)

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