Part Twenty One- Be the Broken or the Breaker

Start from the beginning

“What are we going to do with you?” she asked and I shrugged.

“I’ll see you in detention Professor.”

“Alright.” She spoke defensively, as if my reaction had been an unexpected one.

I turned on my heel and strode firmly out of the class and out into the buzzing hallway.

The next day the weather took a drastic turn and rain poured from the heavens as if the clouds had burst suddenly like balloons. Harry was particularly nervous- he had been out training for the upcoming Quidditch match when it had started raining and the match was meant to be this weekend against Slytherin, even worse was that the team had just been told that they were now playing against Hufflepuff, they were all heavily disappointed.

“Harry the weather will clear up, its been nice the past few days.” I tried cheering him up but he just nodded dumbly and carried on walking from breakfast to History of Magic, I held back and walked with Hermione who hadn’t been very talkative that morning; at least not with me.

“Tired?” I asked; it was the only explanation I could think of for her silence.

“Not really,” She answered shortly.

“Did I do something?” I asked and she turned.

“Yes but I know you’ll deny it, you don't like letting people in.” She told me in her most haughty voice.

“And what is this thing that you reckon I’ll deny?” I asked coldly.

“You weren’t in your sleeping bag when we were all in the Great Hall after Sirius Black broke in, you snuck out but the thing was you suddenly appeared in your bag again after.” I could see where she was going with this and yet I would only be proving her right if I told her that I had been there the whole time.

“I just went to the toilet Hermione.” I explained falsely, she scoffed- we were still walking.

“I'm not stupid you know, I heard what sounded like scales and the way you appeared,-” she looked away and then back. “You’re an animagus.” She said- I cut her off right there.

“Hermione I went to the toilet, I can’t be an animagus; it takes years of study and permission from the ministry-”

“Stop lying to me.”  She stopped and I looked at her.

“What do you want me to say Hermione?” I demanded coolly, “Do you want me to tell you lies just to make you happy, can you not trust that I’m telling you the truth- do you really think I would.”

“Yes, everyone knows what you say about us to the Slytherins.” She sounded like she wanted to explode with fury.

“I only did that to get Malfoy to back off on the Buckbeak thing- I was trying to help.” I shouted. People had stopped around us and were watching now, I didn’t care.

“Maybe if you weren’t so secretive I’d believe you!” She cried and I glared at her.

“Clearly Hermione I was mistaken; I was under the impression that friends trusted each other.” I turned to walk away but she stopped me.

“How can anyone trust you when you are always so secretive and high and mighty?!”

“Stop being so petty and ignorant and blinded by your close mindedness!” I yelled at her. “All you ever do is sit there with your perfect everything and live so up your ass that you can’t see that people around you actually don't like you. Hermione Granger you are nothing but a little whiny mudblood with no respect for anyone but yourself. Grow the fuck up!” She had forgotten her anger and there were tears filing her eyes- I didn’t regret what I said even when a gasp was released from the crowd of students at my use of language.

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