An Old Friend

Começar do início

"What's your name?" I asked


Unique name. I heard something behind me. I turn around and I see nothing. I turn back to see that Rin is gone. I swam forward a little.



I turn to my left and a tentacle shot towards me and wrap around my waist. It pulled me forward. Then I started to see a face. Then I figured who the face belongs to.

"Why did you bring down here anyway?" I asked

"I want to show you something" Rin said

He held onto me and started to swam. We swam through a tunnel.

"Where does this lead to?" I asked

"The ocean"

Soon after he said that we swam right into the ocean.

~ Twenty Minutes Later ~

I started to see a sunken ship. Soon after we swam right in it. Once we entered he let go of me. Thank god. I look around and see some painted pictures of a girl. I swam closer. I started to recognize the girl.

"It's me" I whispered

Why does he have a picture of me? I looked at the next picture and it has me and him in it. Then I started to have flashbacks.

~ Flashback ~

I'm running on the beach with my big brother. He made me trip. I got up and punched him on the arm with my weak child arm. I looked over at the ocean and saw something. I ran towards water and then I started to swim into the ocean. Then I felt something wrap around my ankle and pull me down. I struggled to get up above water. I accidentally breathed in water and I didn't choke or started to drown.

"I can breathe under water?"

Then I just remembered that something is wrapped around my ankle. I looked down and see a boy that is half octopus, his skin is a light purplish skin. He also has white hair. He also has a necklace with a shell. His tentacles are black but the bottom is purple.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked

He stopped and looked at me. I see that he has turquoise eyes.

"You have beautiful eyes" I said out of the blue.

He pulled me down so that we're face to face.

"Thank you and you're beautiful"

I felt my cheeks heat up when he said that. Then he kissed me on the cheek.

"You're the first human" he whispered



Then he let go of me and swam towards a sunken ship. I followed him. I swam towards the ship and I started to see that there is some other people like him in there. I looked through the circle window.

"Hey Guys" he said

"Hey Rin, what's up"

His name is Rin, that's a unique name. I saw one of the guys have black hair, baby blue eyes, tan-ish skin, and his tentacles are black but blue at the bottom. The other guy has dark brown hair, dark olive green eyes, he has brownish skin, his tentacles are brown at the bottom and light brown at the top. I swam through the window. The two guys saw me. I stopped. Then Rin looked at me.

"H-Hi" I said

Then the guy with the baby blue eyes swam over to me. Then the other guy did. Then they swam around me.

We're Different🗸Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora