Chapter 14: A Fun Day Out

Start from the beginning

"hey, hey, hey none of that" said Saku lightly bashing Sora's head "I said I'd find him...and find him I shall" Sora smiled

"wait know our father!?" asked Ayoko with plenty of high hopes

"!" said Saku quickly "once I see him...I'll know it's him"

At the other group Anaeus had been told about Saku "it's hard to imagine that Saku's being rankless. I mean looking at him now"

"he's trained very hard to get where he is" said Anastasia proudly "he didn't back down...although he had a few...stumbles" Anaeus saw Anastasia's hand shake for a brief moment "but look where he is now"

"Big Brother was the one who found me" said Mochi "he took care of me"

"and now's he taking care of us" said Anaeus "you know...I bet he and my father would get along like a house on fire"

Mochi looked to Anaeus "hey Anaeus...what's your father like?"

"well's hard to put into words" said Anaeus somewhat quietly and in mild pain "I...don't really remember him that a person. But I do know what I felt like"

"what...what did you feel?" asked Anastasia

"that...I was fine...and I could do anything"

 Anaeus than turned to Saku who was laughing with Sora and Ayoko "just like how he makes me feel"

"I bet Saku and your dad would be best friends" said Anastasia

"hey Anastasia can I ask a question. How come Saku was rankless? You make sound like, it wasn't by nature" Anastasia mildly reacted and looked away "what's...what's the..." he felt a mild tug "Mochi?" Mochi had a serious face...and shook her head.

 Anaeus looked at Anastasia's pained face "actually nevermind. It was a stupid question. Now then, I'm looking forward to this super mall...I've never been to one"

"you've never been to one?" said Anastasia "but then again, I haven't been to many before" Anastasia saw her perk up. Anaeus had a thought

Whatever she was was obviously extremely painful. I'd better not ask anymore

After a while the coach had arrived at its destination. The group disembarked from the coach and what greeted them...was a building absolutely titanic in size. As the group went through the main entrance, they were greeted by an amazing sight "'s so big" said Sora

"why are you so're the one who picked it?" said Saku "but then again...I wasn't expecting this either" the inside was truly colossal in size and scope, with two floors. All around them were countless people travelling round, going about their say, and many, many shops scattered all around.

Near the front, was a display of the map of the giant building "it looks like this building splits off into three directions"said Anastasia "there's got so much stuff here"

"oh, look, look here" said Mochi pointing at the right "there have an arcade here"

"what's an...arcade?" asked Ayoko

"it's a place, where there's loads of video games, and machines to play with" Ayoko than lit up "so how about do you want to see?" Ayoko quickly nodded

"Anaeus do you want to come?"

Anaeus looked round "nah, no thanks. I'd like to take in the place, and look round. It's not often I get to see places like this"

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