26. (Makeup or Breakup?)

Start from the beginning

"Can you walk?" Cameron asked getting out the car. I ignore him and get out and started walking to his front door. The others have already went in. I see Matthew carrying Tana up the stairs and I follow them but I go to Cameron's room. I wanted to take a shower, I wanted to get out of this costume. I wanted to break up with Cameron. Did I really just say that? Did I mean it? "Melanie can we talk?" Cameron said and I didn't realize he was behind me the whole time. Could he hear me thinking? Damn, Mel, why'd you drink so much?

"Yes, let's talk" I say smiling at him and he stops in front of me. "Let's talk about how you are a cheater! You cheated on Andrea with Madison, right?". He stares at me and looks down.

"We all make mistakes and I apologized for it" he says. I smile and shake my head.

"Cameron, I can't do this"

"Melanie don't..."

"I can't compete with her" I say when I felt a tear drop. Damn it Melanie, why the hell are you crying. It's the alcohol.

"You don't have to!" Cameron shouts.

"I don't know you!" I shout back and he stares at me. "I don't know anything about you expect your favorite color. I don't know anything about your family, your dad, your fight with depression, I don't know why you don't open up to me"

"Where is this coming from?" he asked.

"You don't know anything about me either. You've never asked me about my family? You never asked me little things about me. We just jumped into a relationship too fast" Cameron rubs the back of his neck and laughs.

"Andrea got to you. Melanie, we've been doing great since we started dating, what about yesterday?" he asked.

"We've been great? You mean when you were gone most of the week? Or when you showed up to Universal and I thought you were coming to surprise me but you spent all your time with Madison? Or when you got mad at Gilinsky for winning me a teddy bear? Or when you yelled at me! How about that stupid contract? Or how mean Rachel is to my friends and I? How about tonight? We weren't together the whole night because you were with Madison. I mean damn, I know her costume was great but you're my boyfriend. And seeing you defend her how you did, it's just hit me like, wake up Melanie" I say and this time I am more angry then I am sad. Cameron puts his hands in his pockets.

"I never said dating me was going to be easy"

"But you also never mention that dating you was going to be this hard" I said staring at him.

"What do you want me to do?" he asked.

"I want you to leave me alone so I can think" Cameron clenches his jaw and shakes his head. He turns around and I see the Netflix crew recording everything. Great. "Unbelievable" I close the door and lock it. I went to take a shower and changed into some shorts and a tank-top and called it a night. The following morning, I was up, packed and ready to go home. I open the door and went to Aaron's room and Lyndsey and Tana were actually up.

"Nessa already called the uber" Lyndsey said looking at me.

"We will be down in a minute" Tana says still packing up her stuff. I close the door and went downstairs. I heard the TV on in the living room and I avoided going in there and went to the kitchen. Aaron was pulling out some orange juice from the fridge and looked up at me.

"Morning" he says.

"Morning" I say putting my bag on the counter and sitting down.

"You're leaving already?"

"Yea. Tana and Lyndsey leave tomorrow so we are just going to relax today" I say.

"Did you tell Cameron?" Aaron said drinking the orange juice out of the carton.

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