
"K-Kirigiri-san! What happened to your clothes?" Naegi asked as he placed one hand over his eyes.

"It's hot..."

"You can't do that... You still have to wear clothes..."


"I... I am still a male."

"It doesn't matter..."

"...My gender doesn't matter?"

"Where did you get that idea?"

"I-I thought a light joke needed to be in order..."

"...Do you really not think about doing anything to me in this state?"


"Naegi-kun, you haven't touched me at all... Am I really that unattractive to you?"

Naegi removed his hand from his eyes and touched Kirigiri's neck and ran his fingers through Kirigiri's silky hair.

"Far from it..."

Kirigiri tugged on Naegi's shirt and ripped his collared shirt open.

Naegi screamed internally.

"This should be okay then," Kirigiri said as she proceeded to unlatch his belt.

Naegi grabbed her wrists.

"Y-You can't!"

"I can't?" Kirigiri asked cutely as her chest jiggled slightly.

Naegi felt weak willed for a moment.

"I am not saying that you can't..."

"It's okay then?" Kirigiri said.

Naegi shook his head ferociously.

"You can't! A lot of things need to be in order, but more importantly, you are drunk!"

"I am not drunk."

"With a flushed expression like that and your actions, one can definitely see that you are drunk."

"Even if that is true, I don't mind if you were to touch me..."

Naegi turned his head to the side.

"I want to treasure you, Kirigiri-san..." Naegi said as he turned towards her. "I think it's bad to be rushing like this, especially when you are drunk."

"I want to treasure you too, Naegi-kun," Kirigiri said with a bright smile.

Naegi let go of her wrists for a moment in awe of her soft expression.

'Cute,' Naegi thought to himself.

"...Just render yourself to me," Kirigiri said as she continued.

Naegi screamed in horror.

"Or not!" Naegi screamed.

In the morning, Kirigiri found herself lying in her underwear beside the open shirt and open belted Naegi on the couch with both her hands bound by a tie behind her back without any memory prior to her blacking out at the restaurant.

After having a clear head, she quickly removed the restraints from behind her back and quickly buttoned up her shirt. Kirigiri then grabbed a throw blanket and placed it over Naegi's sleeping body.

Looking at the situation, Kirigiri was able to conjure up that she was at fault for yesterday and the one falling victim in all of this was Naegi himself.

"Good work yesterday," Kirigiri whispered as she kissed his cheek.

Naegi soon woke up to the lavender hair colored beauty wearing only a buttoned shirt and smiled.

"Good morning, Kirigiri-san," Naegi said sleepily.

"Good morning to you too, Naegi-kun."

"Would you like something to drink? How about some orange juice?" Kirigiri said as she tried to stand up.

Naegi grabbed her hand before she could.

"...How about another day?" Naegi said exhaustedly.

Kirigiri-san! PLEASE!!!Where stories live. Discover now