Chapter 19: The Sunset Motel

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"Can I help you?"

I jump, yelping. I had been so mesmerised that I failed to look at the reception desk that is placed at the end of the room. The desk itself is made out of oak, and just as the entrance door, carved in beautiful floral patterns. Behind the desk stands a woman that fits the overall atmosphere so well that I pause for a second and wonder whether I have just stepped into the land of fairy tales.

She's got wavy, mahogany hair that she tied up in a loose bun, so that strands of her hair gently touch her shoulders. Rose colored shawl is draped over her shoulders and she's wearing a periwinkle, empire-style dress that suits her figure, I notice with slight envy. She looks no older than thirty five, I would guess, and she simply radiates hospitality. A warm, yet quizzical, smile is spread across her dainty face as she surveys me.

I give an apologetic smile as I cautiously get closer to the reception desk. "Good morning," I greet her hesitantly.

"Good morning and welcome to the Sunset Motel, where every ray of light has a silver lining. I'm the owner and motel manager, Sylvia Madden," She extends her perfectly manicured hand towards me for a handshake.

"Uhh hi," I sheepishly reply but refrain from shaking her hand. "I'm Leia Walker and I was wondering if you had any rooms available?"

Sylvia, noticing that I'm not about to touch her, retracts her hand with a smile and checks with her books. "We don't actually have rooms, per say, but here in the Sunset Motel, you can book an entire cabin just for you."

"How much would that be for the night?" I ask, already dreading that the rates will be astronomical.

"That would be thirty five dollars for the night," she replies with her dazzling smile.

I blink in surprise. Thirty five dollars one night in your very own cabin? That is cheap! It's almost too good to be true.

Sylvia seems to sense my doubts and lets out a warm chuckle. "I know what you're thinking. It's way too cheap, isn't it?"

I nod uncertainly.

"Well, I forgot to mention to you the reason behind it," she begins explaining with a flourish. Almost like a well-trained salesperson. "I just opened the place up again a couple of weeks ago after winter break and I decided to put up a little Spring promo deal: Thirty five dollars a night the entire month!" She winks at me. But then her smile fades a bit. "But sadly, not many care to stay here for too long. In their eyes, my place is nothing but another pitstop."

Her soft, brown eyes droop and I can't help feeling a bit sorry for her. That motel and those individual cabins is a brilliant idea, especially for people who want more privacy (like me and Sophie) and they happen to provide that instead of the normal motels. It's just such a shame that it's situated in the middle of nowhere. She would definitely receive more guests if she had her motel in a more populated area.

"Well, if you don't mind then I'd like to book a cabin for the night," I smile encouragingly at the owner, who immediately beams at me with shining eyes.

"Oh thank you!" she exclaims gratefully, her voice pitch going up another notch. "That's mighty kind of you!" She scribbles something in her book, and then walks to the wall behind her, where a miniature house storing various keys is nailed on. She picks one of them, wipes it clean on her handkerchief before handing it to me.

"There you go, the key to cabin nr. nine. Germ-free," she adds, giving me a knowing smile.

I blush as I take the key, mumbling a word of thanks as I start my way out.

"Oh before you go," Sylvia adds sweetly. "I would love it if you could join me and the other guests for lunch and supper?" She sighed dramatically. "It's awfully lonely to eat by yourself."

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