"I do," I replied with a smile, reminiscing to that day I was so tempted by him while cleaning up his wounds and tending his knuckles. "You rejected me," I mumbled, remembering how I kissed him, pulled back, and tried again before he turned away.

   "I was afraid you'd make my lip bleed again!" he defended himself playfully, staring at me with a cheeky grin while I rolled my eyes.

  I was caught off guard when he lifted me up suddenly, large hands gripping my waist firmly and plopping me down on the counter top of the bathroom. His smile mirrored mine, his hand coming up to tuck a stray lock of hair behind my ear, before he ducked down to kiss my lips softly. I kissed him back, my lips molding over his gently as my hand cupped his jaw. He tugged back for a breath of air, exhaling against my lips as he rested his forehead against mine.

   "If it makes you feel better, I wanted you to kiss me, both times," he whispered lowly, the corners of his lips curving upwards.

   "No that doesn't make me feel better since you rejected me anyways."

   "Scar," he whined at my words, making me chuckle a little before leaning in and pecking his lips, before pulling away completely to dry his hand with a clean towel. "It seems so long time ago." My head perked up at his words.

   "Around a year ago to be exact," I hummed in reply.

   "I was such a shit head," Harry mumbled lowly, clearly ashamed of his past self as he hung his head low. I pressed my lips together, bringing my hand up to cup his chin and push his head up to meet my gaze.

   "You were one. You're not one anymore, and that's what matters Harry," I told him firmly, cradling his cheek as he still remained glum while he reminisced to the early stages of our relationship, especially when we weren't together.

   "Even then, I didn't deserve you at all. I'm still surprised you stuck with me during that time," he muttered, while I chuckled.

   "It's not like I could leave, I lived with you," I responded playfully, wiping the smirk off my face when he gazed at me with a grim expression. "Harry," I sighed. "I believed you could change. It was a gut feeling. I wasn't gonna give up on you."

   "You're so selfless," he whispered, gazing at me with bright eyes as I shrugged. "Most people wouldn't go out of their way to better people like me."

   "I'm not like most people. I'm too compassionate, I care too much."

   "Being compassionate is a good thing," he retorted.

   "Not all the time. My compassion got in the way of doing my actual job," I scoffed, making him swallow thickly.

   "Do you still feel guilty when you kill?" he questioned me lowly, making me shake my head in response.

   "No. I just feel numb when I do it now," I murmured lowly. "Feels like my humanity is slipping away sometimes."

   "That is so not true," Harry immediately retorted, his dark brows pulling low over his gleaming eyes as he frowned at me. "I still see the same old Scarlett in you. The way you care for Sami, even Donovan too, reminds me of how compassionate the old you was and still are."

  I parted my lips to speak in response but the doorbell rang loudly across the apartment. I shot Harry an apologetic look, leaning in to kiss his cheek before murmuring that I would be right back. I handed him the ice pack, telling him to use it on his injured hand to reduce the swelling and inflammation. I made my way towards the front door, swinging it open to come face to face with a pair of dark brown eyes.

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