Preparation for Games

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Percy POV

Chiron was quick to realize the promise from last war. Roman vs Greeks. For that, a bunch of senior campers arrived at Camp Half-Blood. And by a bunch I meant about 200 heavily armed demigods travelling in black SUVs. The newer recruits were left to guard the camp.

It took them days to finally arrive at the camp, and a few hours to reunite with their Greek version of bros and sis.

" Hey."

"It's been a month, hasn't it?"

Frank and Hazel greeted us. He had grown much taller and bulkier, courtesy of Mars. He was far more confident with his firewood stored inside fireproof pouch near his loved one's heart. There was nowhere safer for his life to be placed.

Hazel didn't bother taking the SUV. She just rode Arion straight to Camp Half-Blood.

" Where's my brother?"

I looked at Annabeth, and she started to walk to infirmary after gesturing at her to follow.

" He's....hospitalized. He collapsed after war, and we kinda forced him to rest for a week."

Frank raised his eye brow.

"I don't think he's the type of guy you can force to do things."

Jason laughed and picked Nico's stygian blade from his waist.

" He has to, if he wants this back."

All of us burst to laughter. I clapped to Jason's madness. He hadn't seen Nico stroll with a bunch of ghosts and a skeleton army behind him. I heard he somehow turned someone annoying to a ghost.

Styx. He came. Wait...who's with him?

I couldn't believe what I saw. He was smiling. Not his usual sarcastic smile, or the crazy smile he'd have when he hacked down monsters, but an annoyed, but true smile.

" Come on, Nico! I was kidding!"

"Nope, not listening. These guys would love to know you, Atlanta."

We saw a girl with wavy brown hair running away from Nico and a bunch of skeletons dressed in strange outfits. One wore sailor uniform, 2 wore wedding dresses, and another had bunny suit on.

Finally, a skeleton with wedding dress tripped over and fell over her. It was surprisingly strong, so she couldn't escape. Nico loomed over her and dumped a bucket of cold water all over her.

"Now we're even."

She laughed as she tackled Nico to the ground. Annabeth rubbed her eyes and asked me to pinch her. Pinch her I did, and she yelped and slapped me.

" Wise girl! Ow"

" Okay, I'm going crazy. Nico laughing? Seriously?"

" Don't ask me. You're the wise girl."

She rolled her eyes and pressed her lips to mine. Her lips tasted sweet, with mint sensation.

" Shut up, Seaweed Brain."

No matter how many times we did it, it still felt so dear and addictive to me.

" Now you get how I feel." Frank face palmed. As I remembered, he did see us inside the stable in Argo back then.

Hazel smiled and tangled her arm with his.

" Hey."

Nico with the unknown girl walked to us, drenched from head to toe.

" So, Nico. Who's your new girlfriend?"

As expected of a child of Aphrodite. She's fast.

Nico's eyes twitched.

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