Finding Leo

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Percy Jackson series are Rick Riordan's.

Nico POV.

Seriously, the camp was too hyped after the war. Big house and most cabins were in shambles, about half demigods inside the infirmary, and they still had the guts to prepare for war games.

Nico, your gloomy son of Hades here.

I did make a promise to several guys that I'd stay, but I started to regret that. Firstly, Jason, Percy, Annabeth, and Piper, plus a blonde son of Apollo, Will Solace forced me to rest for at least a week!

Can you imagine that?

Sleeping around doing nothing while others were laughing preparing for war games, capture the flag, and all those crazy stuffs most demigods do. They even had the gall to take me away from my sword!

" You can't go anywhere without this blade."

The blonde superman strolled off with Piper while waving my sword around.

Well, maybe things could be worse, for example, Gaea ruling over everyone (that would really suck), or being dead.


So much for a peaceful day.

The barrier hadn't been repaired properly yet, thanks to dirt face Leo vaporized few weeks ago. It would take at least a month for the borders to be fully functional again. Some remains of Gaea's forces senile enough to storm the camp were annihilated by Clarisse and her patrol force. Luckily, about 90 percent of that evil queen's army was already in Tartarus, enjoying their very own trip to the Doors of Death.

Well, at least that proved most monsters had IQ below us, since no sane demigod would storm an enemy camp solo. An anguished hiss of a dracaena was heard, indicating that Clarisse had speared it to death.

I sat up, looking for a nice, long stroll. The last war took a large toll on me to the point I nearly lost my soul to Tartarus. I was like semi-ghost a few days after, and became skinnier after recovering.

Almost all of my fat disappeared, and half of my muscle mass was gone. Yeah, using Hades' powers would top the charts of diet methods. A few shadow travels and some skeletons here and there, and boom! Hello, skinny.

" Hey! You shouldn't be up yet!"

Crap. Someone found me. Sparing no effort to turn back, I sprinted across the fields, trying to shake off my pursuer.

Unfortunately, she was a little too stubborn to let me go. It was night, and I wore black clothes like a good son of Hades should. Honestly, I'd never heard of a demigod with night vision.

I ran around, yet the distance seemed to lessen instead of increasing. I was sure I got out of archery range already, but I found myself near bow and quiver racks. Strange...

The moment I turned back, I slammed to something hard face-first and slumped to the ground. As I rubbed my nose, I heard a girly laugh from behind me, clearly ridiculing me.

" What do you want?"

Okay, my voice sounded squeaky and definitely funny. You know, like a certain underwater yellow sponge that miraculously wouldn't inflate?

Ah, how polite. At least she held her laugh in. I sighed and tried to get my stupid voice back to normal. My eyes were used to dark, so I could see her clearly.

She had wavy caramel hair, not as curly as Hazel, but not straight neither. She looked 15, judging from her size. After finally managing to stop laughing, I stood up, towering over her. Well, not exactly towering, but at least I was taller than her. Hey, I wasn't the shortest kid in camp!

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