Unmistakably, her

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Is it just a summer love? which faded as the seasons went?

Were we so immature back then?  No, we were not! not at least me, I loved her to the core.

I stifled, I suffocated, I couldn't resist anymore, while the entire family is having fun with the cultural events, I remained so low all day thinking about siri.

"I'll put an end to the melancholy, I thought to myself.

 I tied my shoe lace....                                                                                                                                                           I took the bicycle...

I headed towards the village outskirts, the only way i can know about her is through her potter friend who stays there.

 I pedalled furiously under the scorching mid-day sun, i pedalled it so hard that the chain fell off right as i reached the outskirts. I stopped it aside and tried to set the chain back onto the gear. A heavy wind blew as i was involved in reconditioning.

*The sound of anklet jingling*

I could hear anklet sound somewhere far away...The sound gradually amplified as if someone is walking right towards me. I turned to my right to see a girl walking towards me, luscious locks, pretty face, traditional attire..who else could it be! she is unmistakably siri!.She is as charming as i saw her for the first time.

As soon as i saw her, i ran towards her in excitement.

"where were you!, why didn't you come? what were.........."

Siri :"I want to hug you tight! and kiss your smile!" 


Siri : "I want to get lost in your love!"

"Umm...sure, you mean here? now?"

Siri :"No, tonight i will be waiting for you on the other side of the river, it's the only private place possible"

"but...but..." Other side of the river, that too at night i panicked within " tell me where were you all these days!"

Siri :"i'll tell you everything, see you there" she smiled and walked away.

Her very own pleasing smile, few black and white scenes from the previous year flashed in my mind, her reflection in the water, golden glow in the lamp light, a firework lighting up the background sky.

She walked far away even before i chained the cycle.

It was so refreshing to see her! it felt like floating to the surface after drowning to suffocation. I can't wait till evening to meet her. But to a person who is afraid of looking at the other side of the river, crossing it after sunset is definitely a huge task.

"I'm afraid to go but i'm eager to meet. I hope i will gain enough courage to accomplish the task"

Should i love or should i run?Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum