A Creepy Gloom

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"Your attention, please.... Train no:5312 has arrived on platform no:2"
We arrived there at 3:35 in the morning

" hurry up! Hurry up! The train stops for not more than 30 seconds here" said my mother making a dart for the door holding two heavy duffle bags. I have two other bags to hold and a backpack behind.
Rishi woke Madhu up and then I had to carry her sling bag too, for she is too restless and half asleep. We somehow got down before the train left.
"How much for a single bag bhayya? " giggled Madhu making fun of my railway coolie look.

The railway station seemed like a perfect place to build a library, pin drop silence everywhere except for the sounds of howling and growling dogs from somewhere far away and fluttering of dry leaves could be heard, making it an apt location to shoot a horror scene.

I'm afraid already and to my fear, madhu started off her evil spirit experiences to scare me further.

"did you know that we come across with spirits but we often leave them unnoticed? "
I know how to perceive the presence of ghosts, there are few signs to...
" what kind of? " questioned rahul out of curiosity.

Do we really need this conversation now?.... I whispered to myself.

Sign 1: the dogs howl soon as they witness the presence of ghosts.

*dogs started howling*
" you hear that? There is a ghost nearby"

"ooooooo..... " screamed the guys out of excitement.
I screamed the same but much in a fearful tone, though.

Suddenly breaking the silence came by two cars honking, which were sent by my grandfather to pick us to the village.

It is a good 45min drive from the railway station to Rama Chandra Puram.
We almost reached outskirts of our village
Just when I thought that she forgot about the ghostly convo, she continued.....
Sign 2: one can witness the presence of ghosts around by the unpleasant hospital odor.

*I sense the hospital odor*
"oh! My god, my heart is pounding now... Is it just my hallucination or is there any spirit around? "
" like in the mortuary? " questioned rishi freaking me out even more....
I turned towards the window to divert myself , looking at the beauty of the river maldevi under the full moon light....on the other side I could see sundaramma preparing dough for the sweet meats under a small lamp which seemed like hanging from nowhere.
Sign 3: you can observe fog reforming into a ghostly figure.

*fog accumulated*
And to my horror on the doomed side of river, i could see fog almost resembling a person.

"I'm dead!!! I can't take it anymore I closed my eyes, ears and chanted hanuman Chalisa [a ritual chanting believed to keep away evil spirits] all the way till I reached home.

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