Just One More Time-2

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That evening
Everyone was dressed in their best for the event. Men wore traditional dhothi, women were in saris.

" hold this! " said my mother handing over a sesame lamp.
" don't leave the lamp in water just like that.... Wish for something while you do... "
" ok, ma! "
In no time the entire family was at kodandarama swamy temple.

The environment was filled with pomp and liveliness, various rituals being performed in the temple are audio casted through loud speakers, the processions, decorations added to the spectacular evening.

Once in a while fireworks crack, glittering the entire night sky.
Food stalls and toy stalls mushroomed on the either side of temple road.

Miss. Perky(madhu) dressed herself very well, I find her really fascinating and mysteriously attractive... Which I would never admit infront of her. For me, she would always be a mischeif phantom!

Madhu: " let's go offer the first lamp! Before anyone does.... I have a long list of wishes too"
I was not very excited for the event.... I find no fun in doing this neither did i understood the science behind it.
Besides I'm too hungry, for my mother insisted on not to have anything until the event is completed.

Perky pulled me quickly towards the temple pond holding her lamp in one hand.
We went to the pond even before the event actually started, i was awestruck by the scenery I looked at!

The pond is a huge square which seemed like a dark plain blanket as the water remained undisturbed, the sky reflection could be clearly seen in the water.
The stars and the full moon appeared so crisp and clear in the water, such that it felt like the sky has fallen down to ground.
I wish I had a video recording option in my eyes so that I can record everything I'm looking at... And show off to friends back in the city.
" light this lamp! Quick! "
I pulled out a matchbox and lit perky's lamp. She left the lamp in water and gave a little push.... Its a kind of gesture to show the dedication to deity.
I was not very interested towards what she was doing... As i was really fascinated by the surroundings..
I kept staring at the reflection of moon which was not too far away from my feet. Don't know why i find the " moon among stars" so alluring i couldn't take my eyes off.
Just when i was completely involved into the glory of reflection, a girl came by holding a sesame lamp completely eclipsing the moon reflection in water.
And to my wonder she was so beautiful - her face being enlightened by the lamp... Making her look like a golden idol. She was kind of an out of world beauty, her reflection in water seemed as pretty as a picture.
I turned towards my left to see her...
* heavy breeze blew*
The heavy breeze put off the lamp she was holding.
The surroundings were too dark, i couldn't see her clearly.
Suddenly she walked towards me....
" may i have the matchbox please?? " the girl asked in a very pleasing tone, her voice is so sweet that it felt like she sang... Even though she just talked.
I quickly handed the matchbox to her.
" how in the world do you think i can light the lamp with single hand?? ( she was holding lamp with the other hand). Don't just stand there! Light the lamp!! " she insisted.
I lit the lamp... And in the lamp's light i was awestruck to see a girl of such exquisite beauty.
She had a sculpted figure..she was in traditional half - sari. The waist was tapered[ ofcourse that is where we guys usually look at] she put a dazzling smile on her face which added to her charm. Her hair was midnight black and it flowed over her shoulders, all things in her mesmerized me! Words alone can never describe her beauty.
I stood there watching her, without a blink for i might miss the most beautiful sight.
She quickly offered prayers and stood abruptly to leave the place...
I was still watching her... She walked a few steps
By now the place has been crowded with people
After walking a few steps... Beneath the lamp lights she turned around!
* a firework glittered the sky*
She stole my heart with just one smile and walked away.
I took a mind snapshot of her smile... Which i will cherish forever!
I kept on staring at her until she walked far out of my sight.

Madhu: you know... You look good when you keep your mouth closed.

That is when i realized i kept my mouth open all the time out of astonishment.

Perky witnessed the entire scene too.

That night i replayed the scene for thousand times in my mind. I felt like i was destined to see her.

Can i see her smile.. for one more time?
Can i talk to her for one more time?
God! Can i hear that soothing voice..... Just one more time?

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