A Rewind...

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*exam hall*

Deeper and deeper as I vanish into the thoughts, I could imagine the rhythmic, swiftly paced clicks and clacks as the sound produced by wheels of train.

It seems like my imaginations are traveling back in time.......

                                                                                                   LAST SUMMER

18/03/2001  *in train*

I was awake all night leaning against the window of the train...trying to count all the visible stars, humming songs which seemed to be synchronized perfectly with the rhythm of train.

I have a huge family , every year the entire family gathers at my village to perform religious rituals for "shrirama navami utsavalu "[a 9- day religious festival].

  This time 10 of us are travelling  , 20 of them have already reached.

My over concerned mother ,to obstruct us from doing any activity which seemed like an adventure ,she was little too worried about our health that she wouldn't allow us to have street food / junk food,even though she knows that we kids[i'm not sure if i'm a grownup yet] were very much fond  of.

My uncle and aunt 

3 of my uncle's colleagues were also travelling with us , my uncle invited them after knowing their interest towards village culture, scenic surroundings and all things good about villages!

My two 8 year old  cousins Rishi and Rahul  very playful and very much fond of eating ,they can eat all day provided that the food given is tasty. It is a total fun to watch them fight for the window seat every time.

And Finally miss perky i call her , most active person of the group , my uncle's daughter Madhu.  She is one year younger to me .Though for name sake she is a girl , she never behaved like one! she exhibits all kind of characteristics of a mischievous boy i'd rather call her a tomboy.!Though she is very mobile and energetic, one thing i find very troublesome with her is the horror stories she tell every time to freak the shit out of me,she finds it very amusing as a matter of fact that i'm really scared of ghosts and evil spirits .I'm afraid they always appear to only coward beings like me! she always made fun of ..how i used to wake my mom up in the nights when i had to go to washroom.

"wake the kids up! it's already 3:00 am " whispered my mother ..."we will be there in half an hour"

I gently tapped rishi and rahul  to wake them up ,they refused to wake up "let me sleep for 5 more minutes" cried rishi. Finally , they woke up when i promised them to tell where my mother has hidden the cheetos[puffed corn snacks] packets .

Madhu was deep in sleep. I dare not to wake her up , of course who would want to switch-on the blabber machine at this time.

All the elders were already awake....

we were almost there....

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