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   Thankfully chimes rang through Foxfire building and the rest of the prodigies hurried in the pyramid. With Fitz, Biana and Linh straggling behind Sophie closed her book and stood up as Dex and Tam followed suit. Sophie shook the unsettling thoughts away as she walked to Telepathy class. Fitz eventually caught up with her.
"Hey," He said. Sophie's heat skipped a beat, but it didn't rise into her chest like it normally did.
"Hi." She replied blandly.
   "What's wrong?" Fitz asks, taking a few steps ahead of me to turn and face her. Sophie holds his gaze for a second before staring at the floor.
   There's a long moment of slice before Sophie finally blurts it out: "It's just so hard to be so dangerous." She finally admits.
Fitz looks at Sophie, "Sophie... You're not dangerous, I promise."
"Yes, I am, Fitz! Look at me! I'm just a weapon who will be used to destroy the Neverseen, then I'll eventually destroy myself!"
Fitz was taken aback by her comment and for once had no words of comfort for the girl he liked. "Sophie... don't think like that, you're meant to save our world. You're meant to save..." Me. "The people around us."
Sophie shook her head and looked at the floor. "No." She whispered quietly.
   Fitz looked at her, his face full of concern. What was this about? "Sophie, seriously. Are you okay?"
   Sophie let out a long, exasperated sigh. "No, I'm not. Why did I have to get such a crappy ability?"
   The edges of Fitz's mouth curled up. He slung his arm around her shoulder and directed her to the Silver Towers. "Not crappy, special."
   "Crappy." Sophie crosses her arms and stands still.
   "Special." Fitz argues.
   Okay, so there were probably several different and more mature ways to handle this, and then maybe they wouldn't have gotten in trouble.
   "And what do you two think you're doing?" An calm but angry voice interrupts their argument.
   Frozen, Sophie looked at Fitz to explain, but he had no words. "U-U-Uh, just... going to the Silver Tower?" He squeaks out.
   Sir Tiergen shakes his head, obviously exasperated from the two most prodigious students in the school bickering so immaturely. He motions for them to follow him. The two follow obediently, not wanting to anger their favorite teacher further, but still arguing telepathically.
   They finally reach a forest like landscape at least a mile away from school, all of them taking a moment to look at the beautiful scenery. There were trees, flowers, a river... it looked like a scene out of a fairy tale.
   "Listen up, you two." Sir Tiergen says quietly to Fitz and Sophie once they're out of range from... school. Where exactly were they, again?
   Sophie and Fitz both look guilty at the ground, but raise their heads and muster a smile when Sir Tiergen cleared his throat.
   "Yes?" Fitz breaks the silence.
   "I have a mission for you."
   Sophie looks excited as she and Fitz share a glance. "Really?!" They both ask.
   "Yes." Sir Tiergen smiles and lets out a little laugh at their enthusiasm.
   "What is it?" Fitz asks.
   Sir Tiergen is quiet for a moment, looking at Sophie intently, as if waiting for her to magically come up with the answer.
   Then, it clicks. Her whole mind fills with joy at the thought of it and she finally asks the million dollar question at, "Does it have to do with Keefe?"
   Sir Tiergen stops and looks at her proudly.
"As a matter of fact; bingo!"
   "REALLY?!" Sophie asks, looking as if she was about to burst.
   Fitz was so relieved he looked as if he was about to throw up. "Thank goodness!"
   Sir Tiergen looks at them and smiles. "But in order to do this, you two will need to be twice as strong as you are right now combined.
   Casting him confused looks, Sir Tiergen sighs and continues explaining. "You two still haven't shared your biggest secret, and we need that to do this."
   Sophie and Fitz glance at each other and shrugged. Whatever it did to bring Keefe back.
   That was the only hung in their mind.
   "Well... um... that went easier than expected. This way children." Sir Tiergen heads off back towards school, and an odd sense of relief and comfort fills Sophie as she sees the familiar silver towers loom in the distance.
But the strange feeling that she got in the meadow wasn't what was bothering Sophie, the only thing seriously wrong was she didn't know what her biggest secret was anymore.

Author's Note|
   Hey, guys! So this was a MAJOR filler chapter, kinda leading up to next chapter which will have much more action. So yeah, comment down below what you thought and what you think will happen! Have a great day!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2016 ⏰

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