The Immortality Plot - chapter 5

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“Routine procedure,” remarked Messenger, “What else?”

“They’ve been contacting people she worked with, looking for enemies she may have had. We both know the basic processes they will be going through. At this stage, they’re trying to develop a viable theory about what took place. From the analysis of the crime scene and Maria's background they will try to come up with at least two theories about what happened.”

Messenger was entering in some numbers on his wheelchair keypad.

Delaney told him. “The first thing I’ll do when I get back is to sift through the debris of the fire. There must be some connection between whatever it was she was working on and her murder.”

“And you have no idea what that was?”

“Maria kept her professional work to herself. She didn’t like to discuss it. I respected that.”

“How does the timing work out?” Messenger asked him.

“The timing fits. It would take an hour max to reach the mission, so she could have spent hours with this guy. Her body was found two days after she was murdered. And they put the time of death at approximately the same as when I was putting out that fire. That’s about all we know.”

“What about Maria’s car?” asked Messenger. “Surely that’s the first thing the police would be checking on?”

“I asked the same question. Her car was nowhere near the crime scene. It hasn’t turned up yet, or, at least, I haven’t been told. So, this could mean Maria met the killer somewhere between Monterey and San Benito County.”

“And she jumped into this guy’s car, just like that?”

“Looks like it. It means she didn’t feel threatened. It could also mean the perpetrator offered to drive her somewhere and show her something.”

“Which brings me to my next point,” Messenger said, pouring the last of the wine into their glasses. “What are your plans? What are you going to do, Mike?”

“I’m going to find him, however long it takes,” Delaney replied.

“What are you going to do for money? What resources, apart from your undoubted physical and investigative skills, do you have going for you, old man?”

Delaney did not reply at once. “I can work. I can get by.”

“That’s not good enough and I think you know it,” said Messenger.

“So, do you have something in mind?”

“Isn’t it obvious? It’s right in front of you. Confess-Confess has built up a grudging relationship of sorts with law enforcement departments all over the world and with all kinds of official and unofficial organizations and information sources. That’s the reason I wanted you to come to the presentation. I wanted you to know about the site and how it worked. Mike, become an investigator with Confess-Confess. It’s no guarantee of co-operation with county police officers like Nachez and you would have no official status but you would get the power of the website behind you as your eyes, ears and research partner. And, you get publicity and you get funded. What do you say?

Delaney said nothing. He just nodded.

“In this case, I would like to tell the story of Maria’s murder by treating it as a challenge. Has anyone ever come across an M.O. like this? It’s distinctive. How did the perpetrator avoid leaving bio clues? And the confessions, with their religious and anti-female content, what’re they all about? All you have to do, Mike, is post regular information on the case. We’ll ask Sheriff Nachez to do the same. You’ll need a pseudonym, of course. Yes, I have it. We’ll call you the Monk. We could do your first post right now.”

Delaney smiled despite his black mood following the so-called confession. He thought about it for a moment and knew that it made sense in his circumstances. He would have resources, money and access to a huge audience.

“Okay,” he said. “For Maria’s sake.”

The two men drained the last of the wine. Messenger smiled over at Delaney.

“For Maria,” he agreed. “Don’t forget, it was me who brought you two together and I was best man at your wedding. I want to find the bastard who did this to her almost as much as you do.”

“So, I owe you twice,” said Delaney.

Messenger just smiled in reply, and then became serious again.

“There’s no time like the present. Why don’t you just tell the story more or less as you’ve just told me, straight into my laptop. I’ll check it through and edit where necessary and add my own comments.”

Delaney just nodded.

“Mike, will your weird beliefs hamper you when it comes to the crunch?”

“I’m not religious in a conventional sense,” smiled Delaney. “I know it all sounds a little esoteric and I realized after two years at the monastery that I couldn’t do it. I’ll have to remain a monk in spirit if not in practice.”

“It sounds like either escapism or a true vocation, old man,” said Messenger.

“Sometime soon we’ll get very drunk together and I’ll try to explain. I’m no expert, Bob. I’m just as confused about life, the world, the universe and whether it’s just oblivion or continuation when we finally shuffle off this mortal coil as anyone else.”

Delaney touched Messenger’s shoulder in a gesture of rare trust and intimacy. The two men understood each other. Delaney sat down at the laptop and began to tell the story. It was a cathartic release and an emotional experience but Delaney knew he had to go through with it. Messenger was right. This was the only way in which he could take control. He knew without doubt that he would find the killer, however long it took. As he typed the words, memories of his life with Maria came flooding back. Delaney was unaware that tears were running down his face until he tasted salt on his tongue. The room had darkened and Messenger had quietly pushed himself to the window to stare out of the hotel window.


Delaney sat back when he had finished writing and rubbed his eyes. He was filled with a new determination and now couldn’t wait to get to work. He turned to see Messenger watching him. He had switched on the lights in the hotel room. He wheeled himself over. Then he pressed some buttons on the arm of the wheelchair and a screen flickered. It was a duplicate of the laptop screen Delaney had been using.

“Leave the rest to me, Mike. We need to set up some funding for you. It won’t be much but it should cover the basics and your expenses. Leave your banking details with me before you leave.”

Messenger paused and looked serious. “Remember, once the real story of Maria’s murder gets out there is going to be national media interest. Maria had a lot of business associates, contacts and friends, apart from the people you both knew socially in Monterey.”

“Thank you, Bob. When are you heading back to the U.K?”

“Soon as I can, probably in a couple of days. You have my address and telephone number and the site will be our main interface. I’ll give you a special email address. If you need to speak to me securely the only way is to use a payphone.”

“Thanks for everything, Bob.”

“Get out of here, old man,” Messenger said gruffly. “The sooner you get back to Monterey the sooner we can get started. Make sure you can access the site from your cell phone. Now, go on, get moving.”

Delaney stood and shook Bob Messenger’s hand. Then he scribbled down some notes and numbers on a notepad, tore off the sheet and handed it to Messenger. And Messenger did likewise. Without another word, Delaney turned and left the room.

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