Back in school

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Matthew: I am so excited to go to school again.
Mom:That right, I already talk to the principal.
Matthew:Bye mom bye dad.

At school

Bob: Looks like you are back...Human!!!!
Matthew: Jokes on you, I am not a human.
Bob:Oh yea. Then what are you.
Matthew: I am a chaos wizerd.
Bob:Good. So now we can have a fair fight.
Matthew:Wait what.
Bob pushed Matthew with water. Matthew fell.
Matthew:I don't want to fight.
Bob:Shut up.
Matthew turned into a full bat and dodged bobs punches. Then he turns back into a human and kick bob down.

Principal:What the meaning of this.
Matthew:Well he started it and I just kick him for self defense. I didn't even seen that fight coming.
Principal:Matthew, This is kind of your first day, make a good first day.
Matthew: Yes ma'am. Sorry ma'am.
Principal: You are free to go.
Matthew left.
Principal:Bob! What are you doing. I don't have any problems with you until he showed up
Bob:SHUT UP!!! It. It like you'll understand my pain. Your father didn't die, Did he.
Principal:Bob...I have to call your mom.

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