Chapter four

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Chapter Four

We could hear squealing all the way from the living room as the twins realized that Grandpa was here. My sisters really did idolize Grandpa. While he was upstairs trying to get the girls to calm down long enough for all of them to come downstairs. We heard a 'pop'. "That'll be mum." Mum said getting off the couch to answer the door. There was a soft knock on the door letting us know that Grandma was already there. Mum opened the door. "Hello Lilly is your dad here? I can't seem to find him anywhere."Grandma said with a worried look on her face. "Come on in Mum. He's upstairs with the girls. I thought that he would have told you that we needed him for a little bit." Mum said stepping aside to let in Grandma. "That is so like your father. So I take it happened?" Grandma asked mum. "Yes it has." Mum said looking thrilled. "So this has happened before mum?" I asked taking Hermione's hand into mine. "It has in this family almost exclusively." Grandma says as Grandpa walked down the stairs with the twins following him acting like little 'angels'. "There you are darling." Grandma said as she sat down in the loveseat next to where Mia and I were sitting. "So what are you all talking about?" Grandpa asked as he sat down next to Grandma. "We're talking about how that Harry and Mia aren't the only soul bound couple in the room." Grandma said. "Your Grandma is right Harry." Dad said. "So you and mom are soul bound and so are grandma and grandpa?" I asked. "Actually yes. It's kind of tradition in the Potter and Riddle families." Dad said. "But what does soul bond mean exactly?" Mia asked as she spoke up for the first time since the soul bound happened. "Well, Mia it basically means that you are perfect for each other in just about every way." Mum said. "Essentially you are basically married." Grandpa said.

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