Meeting Hermione

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Meeting Hermione:

"Harry it's time to get up. We're going to get your school supplies today." Lilly said as she tried to get her only son to wake up. "Mum five more minutes." Harry responding pulling the covers over his head. "You can get a few extra books  and a new broomstick if you want. But that all depends on you getting up." Lilly said and this woke Harry up instantly. "Ok I'm up. I'll be ready soon." Harry said as Lilly exited his room laughing to herself. "What are you so smiley about?" James asked Lilly. "Got your son to wake up on time today." Lilly responded with a smile still plastered on her face. "You bribed him didn't you, Lils?" James asked. "Actually yes I did. But if  I didn't we would be extremely late today. He's a lot like you in the sleeping department."Lilly answered. "So what did you bribe our son with this time?" James asked looking into Lilly's green eyes that he always seemed to get lost in. "Well seeing as he is part of both of us. I bribed him with a new broomsticks and some new books in addition to his school books." Lilly replied and she went to embrace her husband as he went to grab their cloaks. "You said that he is the perfect combination of the two of us. But I still wonder if he will ever meet the woman that he is to be his wife." Lilly said. "You're worried aren't you?" James asked. "When don't I? He is our only son after all." Lilly replied as the kids came down the stairs. "Harry are the Longbottom's meeting us there ?" James asked. "Yes they are along with Uncle Sirius, Aunt Amy and company. Uncle Moony said that he would try but no promises." Harry said as James's smile grew tenfold. It was no secret that Frank was one of the mauraders. They may as well have been brothers in every way but blood. "Neville said that they would meet us in Flourish and Blots." Harry said as he grabbed hold of his fathers' arm and the twins did the same but with Lilly.


"Harry we do owe you the books part of the bribe. You can pick out three that you like." Dad said as I went to browse the selves. I noticed a girl no older than myself trying to reach for a book that was way above her head. She had to be the most beautiful girl that I had ever seen. " Can I help you?" I asked. " That would be fantastic!" She exclaimed as I got the book for her. "I'm Harry Potter by the way." I said extending my hand to her. "I'm Hermione Granger." She responded with a smile upon her face as Neville poked his head to see where I was. "Harry there you are mate.I've been looking the entire store for you. You know you're not exactly the easiest person to find. Oh, who is this ?" Neville asked giving me a look that said more than he let on. "That reminds me how rude of me. It's nice to meet you Hermione." I said offering her my hand which she gladly took which felt like it  sent sparks down into my soul. It felt like the start of something that my soul already knew. "It's nice to meet you Hermione. Oh this is my best mate Neville." I said as I let her hand go. "It's nice to meet you Hermione. I feel like all of us are going to be great friends. I can feel it in my bones." Neville said with a smile. "I'd like that and it's nice to meet you as well Neville. After that we all did our shopping together. Susan and Hermione became fast friends which brought a smile to my face. What I wanted to do more than anything was to protect her smile.

3 years later:

"James I have a feeling that it's going to be Hermione and that it's going to happen soon." Lilly whispered. "You're right. But would that really be a bad thing. Especially since her parents were killed last year and has been living with us?" James asked. "I still cannot believe that Dumbledore would kill someone's parents in cold blood. But Harry and Hermione have been inseperatable ever since. I personally wouldn't find it surprising. But I'm telling you this right now I'm to young to be a grandma I think they should wait. When and if it happens." Lilly answered. We then heard a scream throughout the entire house that woke even the twins up. We all ran towards Harry and Hermione's room. There was a golden light coming from the other side of the door. James carefully knocked. "Harry, Hermione is everything ok?" James asked. "Dad we're not sure. Can you come in with mum?" Harry asked. "Girls you stay here. We're going to see what's going on with Mia and Harry." Lilly said as the girls scurried off to their bedroom. James opened the door and closed it behind Lilly. We noticed that they were embracing and that was what was causing the golden glow. "Mum, Dad what is going on?" Harry asked fear evident in his eyes. "Lilly go get your dad he might be able to help." I whispered. "Harry I'm going to go get your grandpa and see if he can help and tell us what is going on." Lilly said and we saw Harry shake his head. After Lilly left I noticed that Mia was shaking. "Mia are you okay?" James asked and  Mia nodded her head and continued to hold onto Harry for dear life. Before he could question her Lilly and his father in law were there. "Well this is a very rare magic." Grandpa said. "Grandpa what is going on?" I asked. "Harry it is what is called a soul bound. In our world it is the equivalent to being married. Though we as your family and love you very much do expect a wedding in a few years." Grandpa said with a  smirk. "But dad what about the golden glow?" Mum asked as worry was etched all over her face. "All they really have to do is to let go of each other. But will have to stay close or touching one another until they consummate the relationship." Grandpa said as I let go of Hermione but held onto her hand. "Why don't we move this downstairs?" Grandpa asked. "That would be better. But first you better go get your granddaughters you know how they get. Especially, when you come over and don't say hi to them. " Mum said as we headed down the stairs. "They're just like their mother. I'll get them and be down in a few minutes." Grandpa said with a smile upon his face.

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