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Infinity's POV

   Meetings are boring when they are just going over how much money the company makes. I mean, yeah, it is my own company. But still. BORING. I am currently playing a zombie game, killing them as fast I can. I smile, seeing I got another head shot.
I am siting slightly slouched, ankles crossed under the dark oak oval table. I hear something about money dropping 3% and this makes my head lift. I place my phone down on the table, giving the eight men and two women at the table a look over. "Mr. Vandal. Will you please repeat that last statement?" I ask, leaning forward, placing my elbows on the glass. Mr. Vandal gives me a look of surprise and slight fear. He probably thinks I am going to fire or kill him. "We have dropped 3% in sales in the clothing department." Vandal says, sliding the file over to me. "What have we done to counter act this problem?" I ask the board members, grabbing the file. I am met with silence, making me stand up, giving them a look. I walk over to the computer screen that takes up the entire of one wall. I pull up the clothing department, looking over the stats. "Who ordered that they hold section 5 from sale? What the hell do I pay you people for?!" I suddenly yell at them, causing them to look down and or flinch. "That would be Mary Berk. She's the new manager for the clothing department." I look over to see that the speaker was Mike Bishop. Bishop was a prick, but he was a prick that got things done. "Have Berk sent to my office, ready to hand me her resignation as well as her contract." I tell the board, clicking a few buttons on the screen, sending out the withheld section."Of course ma'am." Bishop says, nodding his head.  They start talking about the other departments and how they have gone up in sales, while I am reviewing the other files, checking the stats myself. A hour goes by and I have developed a slight headache. I stand, closing the files that I still need to finish reading. "That is all for today. You are all giving me a headache. Tell Berk that I will take her when I call for her. Before then, don't let her touch anything...." I pause and look at them looking at me in shock. "Go away." I tell them, grabbing my phone and other files, heading for my office.

   I walk into my office to see a black folder on my desk that was not there when I went to the meeting a few hours ago. I also spot a woman sitting in my office who should not be in my office as well. She's a woman who looks about 5'6" and has never seen a donut. "Who are you?" I ask, closing the glass doors behind me. I see her jump and it makes a smirk cross my face for a moment. "Mary Berk." She tells me, standing up and goes to hand me the papers in her hand. I give her a frown and turn away from her, "I don't like being handed things." I tell her, going over to my liquor cabinet, dropping the unread files on the small table next to it, pulling out a whole bottle of whiskey. Leaving the small glasses, I reach and grab a big one. "Sorry ma-am I-." "Don't say sorry, it's a sign of weakness." I interrupt her, giving her a 'duh' look. I look down at the glass in my hands. I don't drink to get drunk. I can't get drunk, so there is no point in even trying, but.......I like the taste. "Let's get strait to the point, Mary. You made a stupid ass decision that cost my company money. I don't like when my company looses money. Meaning, I don't like you. Now, you have signed a contract and resignation papers, yes?" I ask her, looking over my shoulder to see her shocked face. I pour a glass, then walk over to my desk, setting it down. "Mary," I say, walking over to the door, "leave the papers on my desk and get out." I finally reach the door, yanking it open, "And close your mouth, no need to catch flys."
   White that, she puts the papers down, and leaves the office. I close the glass door, and push a side panel next to the door to make the class become black. I grab my glass as I walk behind the dark mahogany wood desk, taking a sip from my glass. "Lord what did I do to deserve this life?" I ask, taking a seat in my bright blue office chair. I flip open the file, spotting the shield logo on the front, making me smile. Sneaky Fury, you're getting better. Not as good as me, but better. My smile becomes a smirk, and I look over the many files. I settle in to look over the profiles. This is going to take a while.

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