Radhika turned quite; ''Sam I don't want to come to BS... I don't want to be anywhere near Arjun Sir... please don't force me...''

Sam; ''Radhika why not...Arjun Loves you''

Radhika; ''Love ! He was committed to you and suddenly he fell in love with me....tell me honestly Sam can you stay with a man...who was dating your best friend and then tells you that he is love with you...think Sam...

Sam; ''Is this the only reason....''

Radhika ; ''No...he claims to love me but he never stood up for me...Sam I cannot stay with a man who is not strong enough to support or take a stand for right....''

Sam smiled and gave Radhika a side hug ; ''Ok I will never force you again to join Bird Song ... but you will never stop talking to me....promise me''

Radhika pulled her cheeks ; ''Promise.... Now come Bhai should apologise to you''

Sam; ''No required just leave it ....I have you I don't want anything ...''

Radhika took Sam back to make her finish her breakfast....Dadaji and Mala smiled looking Radhika happily chatting with Sam....the girls were feeding each other happily... Ankush from a corner folded his hands to Sam.... Sam got and went to him; ''I should be thankful for helping me in getting Radhika's forgiveness....you know Ankush...I guess if Jai would have been alive....he would have made me understand things in the same way...''

Dadaji; '' So Sam all thanks to Ankush... I am the scrirpt writer and the director of this hit film and I am getting nothing...Sam smiled and gave dadaji a peck on cheek and a loving hug....

Sam; ''Radhika is gem but she is like this because of her family ... she is lucky to have you guys ''

Dadaji; ''Now we have to bring choti and Arjun close'' Sam just smiled she knew Radhika will not budge so easily..... Sam looked at Radhika who was busy with Teji and clearly ignoring Arjun who was just looking at her....

Arjun was looking at Radhika who along with Teji was playing with Riddhima's little daughter...the kid would squealed when Radhika would lift her up...or tickle her... Arjun smiled she looked so good with a kid in her arms...He wondered how would she look with his baby in her arms... Arjun made a prayer.... ''I never believed in you ...but please if you are there please grant this one wish... please help me bring my Radhika to me '' Arjun excused himself and moved to the room...he had to make some calls...The Little girl made her aunt wet....and everybody laughed on Radhika... Radhika handed the baby to Ridhhima and went to her room to change...Radhika entered her room and saw Arjun standing at the window...commanding the person on the other side to nail someone..Radhika's POV; 'Don't know whose time of suffering started'

Radhika quickly changed and came out....Arjun watched her from the corner of his eyes....he really wanted to start a conversation...but she was indifferent...more thank ever...she was pretending as if he wasn't there... Radhika was about to leave the room when Nia and Riddhima locked it from outside...Radhika was surprised...Arjun smiled....Radhika found him smiling and turned angry... '' So this was your plan...do you think spending sometime with me in the same room will change the reality''

Arjun took a deep breath; ''Radhika you are taking it all wrong... I didn't ask anyone to lock us up...''

Radhika; ''Why are you here..what do you want to prove to my family....that you are a gem of a person or best available choice for me... if yes then I am sorry to inform you that will never never happen... '' Radhika's outburst left Arjun shocked and in pain ...Riddhima who was standing outside the room with Nia asked Nia to inform Mala and to prevent more damage just unlocked the door and barged in; ''Is this a way to behave choti''

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