"He is right, Caroline. You know what they did to Alaric. They kill people. They are vampires we can't trust them. Plus, I have had very bad dreams and Bonnie can sense something is wrong with them. We should not trust them."

Caroline turned around to Elena and started to get a little upset. "Do you even remember who helped us with all of this? Yes they are vampires, and yes this is terrible. And yes they have probably killed people, more than we can count. But Tyler is going to do the same thing if we don't get help. He is a werewolf for god sake, and Bonnie is a witch. We can't escape from this world. We are already in it."

Everyone turned at Caroline. She was so right, as always. They decided to call to the brothers. Caroline only wanted Stefan to be there since he seems to be the one who understands and cares about this. She didn't really like Damon, he was weird and made her feel uncomfortable. But if you needed one you had to be with the other.

The clock was 5 pm and the transition would hopefully not start in the next 3 hours.
The six of them sat and talked a little about the course and how Damon and Stefan had found out about werewolves. Katherine was the one who told them. When the humans first started to hunt vampires she said they weren't her worst threat. Werewolves and vampires are natural enemies and she knew they were after her. But she was very smart and the werewolves never came near her.

Tyler was wondering why they wanted to help him if they were enemies. They said it was better to have a werewolf as a friend then an enemy, but they also wanted to help him out since he had no one else helping him.

Suddenly Tyler started to scream and fell down on the floor. His was breathing really fast and started to sweat uncontrollably.
"I'm burning up. It burns!"
Caroline ran up to him.
"I know. But you can do this, okay?"
She put her left hand on his shoulder. She almost started to cry. It was really hard for her to stay here and watch him go through this which Tyler could tell from her face.

"You should leave."
"No. Not yet." Before she could finish, Tyler started to scream.
His body began seizures and he could no longer sit up because of the pain. The screaming became louder and he had no longer control over his body.
The right arm began to bend backwards which made all his bones crack. It was the worst thing Caroline had ever seen. More and more bones cracked and it seemed like it didn't have an end.

"It hurts. It hurts!" Tyler tried to scream but he were in too much pain and instead cried out the words.
They all started to scream. Caroline, Bonnie and Elena. Then it just stopped. The cracking, the screaming and the crying. Tyler lay on his front. He could barely move because his body was too weak.

Caroline sat next to him. "I wanna help but I don't know how."
"There is nothing you can do."
Just when she leaned against him he started to scream again. Even louder this time. She jumped away from him. His spine started to cracking and pointed up from the skin.
"Omg. Omg. Omg. Tyler?!"
"Go away. I don't wanna hurt you. I don't wanna hurt any of you."

"I think you three should go." Stefan said and looked at them. Elena and Bonnie started to move towards the door.
"Caroline leave!"
"No. No, I'm gonna stay here Tyler." She walked up to him again and put her arms around him.
"I love you Tyler, I'm not going to leave you."

Once again everything stopped. Elena and Bonnie still stood behind one of the doors that looks like the one they have in prisons. After a few minutes he started to breathe fast and sweating again. This wasn't over yet.

"Can't you do something?!" Caroline yelled at Stefan and Damon.
"Why are you even here if you're just going to sit there?"
"There is nothing we can do. We are here to be sure he doesn't escape or hurt any of you." Stefan was still calm when he said it. How can someone be so calm? It cannot be because he's a vampire, can it?
Tyler turned around to Caroline again. "Go, please."
"Not yet. I'm right here."

He was so lucky to have someone like her in is life. She has been taking all this so easy and has been there for him the whole time. It would kill him if he ever hurt her and he knew he would if she stayed.
Once again he started to scream and cracking every bone in his body. This time it was a little different. Unlike the last time he had the ability to stand up. It was like he had got some extra power.

"Leave now!" Stefan screamed and pushed Caroline away from Tyler. He was no longer contactable. The transition had really started. Caroline ran to the other girls and hide behind the door. Stefan stood in front of the door to keep Tyler away from them. Damon on the other hand stood right next to Tyler and tried to calm him down.

"Easy, Tyler. You can do this."
Nothing happened. Tyler kept running around the room on all four like he didn't understood or heard Damon at all.
"Stefan there is nothing we can do. He is gone. We need to hide now!"
They ran into the room behind the door to save themselves.
It was no longer Tyler in front of them, it was a wolf. A dark, gray wolf with golden eyes just like the ones Tyler had on the party after he killed that guy.

An hour later, Tyler laid on the cold, cellar floor.
Caroline opened the door, ran to him and hugged him.
"You did it. You are okay."
"How are you? Are you okay?" Tyler asked with an almost unhearing voice.
"Yeah. Yes, I am fine. We all are." She kissed him and tried to make him sit up.

"I can take you home." Damon said.
"But I took my own car."
"Then I will drive it for you. You shouldn't drive after all this." Damon drove Caroline and Tyler to Caroline's house. And then he insisted to drive Bonnie and Elena home too.

When Damon and Elena were outside her house it was 4 in the morning. Elena was so tired but Damon seemed wide-awake.
"Do you want me to walk you in?"
"No, I'm fine."
"Can I ask you a question?"
He looked into her eyes, like he had done many times before. "Why have you been avoiding us?"

She started to laugh. "Isn't that obvious?"
He kept starring at her which made her keep going.
"You are vampires. You kill people. After I talked to you two I dreamed a horrible dream where everyone died because of me. They died because I couldn't stay away from you. And then when I saw you two with Alaric, I realized it wasn't just a dream. I could not do it anymore, it was wrong. So I stayed away. To save everyone I love, and to save myself."

"But you know I would never do that to you."
"That's what you keep saying but how can I be sure. It's in your nature to kill people. Why would you be acting different because of me?"
"I have already explained this to you."
"Yeah, but I don't believe you. How can all this be because I look like someone you and Stefan used to love?"

"Maybe it's not just that." He put his hand on hers. "Maybe it's because I like you."
Elena were shocked. If you think about it, it wasn't that hard to tell but she had never thought he actually had real feelings for her. Why her of all people?
"Is it because I look like her? Is it because I'm just like the person you fell in love with a hundred and sixty years ago?"

He looked down on their hands that still touched.
"No. No, it's not just because of that. In the beginning maybe, but then I started to understand you and love you for everything you was. You are not only the most beautiful person I have ever seen. You are also the most compassionate, strongest, bravest and caring person I have ever met in my hundred sixty years."

He looked at her again. "I love you, Elena."
She didn't know what to say.
"I know it's hard for you to understand and I don't expect you to feel the same but I wanted you to know."
She was still in shock and couldn't say a word.
"I'm sorry. I should probably go. Good night, Elena."
A moment later he was gone.

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