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Here's ya chapter guys!!! Thank you for being patient!!!!!

Bill's POV

Again, remind me why do i have to be in this dumb town again!?,oh right it's because of my twin will, of all places to visit why gravity falls!? Urgh this place give me the creeps like fuck.

"It's a deal!"what!?, i felt like being turned into stone shit, then my vision turns blurry then i saw a boy who has a hat which has a pinetree on it, wait!, pinetree!?

SHIT! Another fucking dream about that boy!? What's with him? Who is he? Why do i always see him in my dream? Is he someone important?, Urgh i messed my blonde hair in annoyance, why do i have to have amnesia ugh!

"Bill Fucking Cipher! Get your ass up from that bus seat and we need to get going or else the hotel we booked is going to close and if that fucking happens we are going to fucking sleep in that fucking creepy forest"will said in annoyance, well someone needs to control their temper, we ran all the way to the hotel only to find out it was closed, will was being hysteric and i was just thinking , "will! We can just sleep in the forest! The weather's nice so its impossible for it to rain!" will lit up when he heard me"The forest it is!" tsk tsk this kid! Just thank heavens it's not raining, as we go upon the forest , i stopped and saw a triangular body with a hand sticking out and the next thing i knew i blacked out.

Dipper's POV

Another boring day,it was almlst nighttime and i didn't care i sneaked ou of the shack and went to the forest to visit bill, as i arrived in the forest(were bill was) i saw a blue headed boy and a blondie boy who is unconsious right now, the blue boy was worried so i ran to them " hey what's your name and what happened to him?" the blue boy sniffeld "my name is will and this is my twin bill" my eyes widened in shock, bill? "What are your lastnames again?" i asked them hoping that i can get the answer that i wanted "bill and will-" what come on! Then i noticed that 'bill' was up "ugh what happened?" he asked as he looked as his surroundings , then he looked at me and smirked "hey pinetree did you missed me? Admit it you missed me!" he said while grinning "b-bill?" i said in a confused tone, then bill blacked out again, "what are you 2 doing here?" will looked up to me "the hotel we booked was closed and we figured that since the weather's nice we can sleep in the forest" he said, so the helping and nice guy i was i offered them to sleep at the shack since grunkle stan added 3 new bedrooms for guest like our friends and etc., so upon our arrival at the mystery shack(of course we had to carry bill)will was so amazed and thanked me like 1000 times i just smiled and said no probs and decided to go to the attic and went to the bed, before i slept, i thought about that bill kid, i had so many questions to ask, was he really bill cipher?, or was he a faker, but how did know that nickname?, but before i knew it my eyelids got heavier until i finally slept.

Unknown's POV

We were so close to bringing bill and will back! If it weren't for that asshole! I need to calm down "brother you need to calm down unless you want stan to kill that useless demon" i growled at her "you will not call him useless!" angered rushed through my body as my eyes glowed blue, she smirked "fine fine brother no need to be angry, after all he is worthless" that's when i lost it but before i turned to face her she was gone, damn mabel!

Oh how much i miss my beautiful blue demon.

If it weren't for stan! I'd still have him!

My eyes glowed blue again and i started trashing my room .

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