Prompt 8

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Prompt: Twig Monster

Theo didn't mind the swampy planet too much; sure the air was a more humid than he'd normally be comfortable with but otherwise the planet was peaceful. There were insects flying around – and none had so far tried to bite them like mosquitos – there were no large animals save two fox like creatures. The fauna was gorgeous and covered the normally gassy/mildew scent that filled the air of a swamp.

Jex was grumpy because of the heat, he was from Tecca, he was used to the dry heat of the American desert. Ember was a little on the grumpy side – mostly due to Jex – because her normally frizzy, curly, out of control hair was even frizzier and more out of control. She had had it up in a tight braid that Helxi had done but after fighting to get her curls under control it lost the battle, now her hair was in a ponytail. Ayden and Quint had stayed behind with the pod they had taken. Something with its computer system had gone bad upon entry in the planet's atmosphere, which nearly fried Ember and almost killed them all.

"How-how much...?" Jex panted

"Only about a quarter mile." Theo said

Jex groaned and collapsed into a sweaty heap on the soft ground, "Why is this stupid supply cache so far away?"

"Oh shut up you baby." Ember breathed, "Have some water."

"Ah it's like you care." Jex caught the water bottle and rolled onto his back, "Can we take a break?"

"Yeah but a short one." Theo said

"You're a life saver." Jex smiled, "Why so quiet Em?"

"Don't call me that. I do care about you guys, I hope you know that."

"Of course we do." Quint said and Theo shook his head in agreement, "We know, you just show it differently."

Jex opened his mouth to say something when the ground around them started to shake and roll. After scrambling to get out of the way of the heavy falling trees and the roots systems that fell with them, the three Vanguards finally were able to get to somewhat stable ground.

"Guys?!" Ayden yelled

"We're ok, just an earthquake." Ember panted, her helmets face mask was fogging up from the extra breathing but the air had too much methane for them to breathe for too long without them.

"That was weird though, I thought this planet was stable." Jex said

"It normally is, though it does go through periods of seismic activity maybe its entering one of those." Ep said

"Maybe. Ok come on time to move." Ember rolled to her feet (after running from an earthquake they had all collapsed.)

"From your beacons you aren't far from the cache. Lucky you ran in the right direction." Ep said

"Yup, our instincts for survival are merging with the mission prerogative, lucky us." Jex mumbled with caused laughter to fill his helmet.


The supply cache was being overrun with moss. They had to break a few tree roots and even saw through some of the thicker ones before they were able to lift the crate. Normally they would've just opened the crate and gotten what they needed, but Theon said to bring the entire crate since they were in Haltric territory.

"Halt!" came a tiny voice, though it was tiny (high pitched and everything)it seemed to bounce all around them.

"Um, what?' Theo asked

"I said Halt!" the voice sounded again just as Theo and Jex lifted the crate, they hit a few buttons and the crate hovered.

"Hello?" Ember called her sword held loosely by her side, there had been to many close calls lately, "Who's there?"

"My name is Tred. I am the guardian of this swamp."

"Did you try to kill us?!" Jex yelled

"No." Tred's voice rumbled

"Did we disturb you?" Theo cut off Jex

"My planet is small, we guardians communicate, we knew the Vanguards of Zaeter would return one day." Tred said, "You are not the Vanguards in our memories."

"Trees have memories?" Jex asked

"You moron, trees can record the very chemicals in the atmosphere. Tred, we are the Vanguards of Zaeter, the ones you remember are from 5,000 years ago." Ember said

"Time does not matter to us."

"Can you take form? We'd like to be able to talk to you face to face." Theo asked

The ground a little bit away from them began to twist and writhe. The mossy ground rose up in a cone until finally it started to take the shape of a vaguely humanoid tree...child. It was the size of about an eight-year-old.

"Oh my gosh he looks like Groot." Jex squealed

"Really? Groot? The tree from Guardians of the Galaxy?" Ember huffed

"We will not stop you from taking your supplies, they are yours and though I Tred believe you, the others are not sure."

"What do we need to do to prove it?" Theo asked

"The King of Zaeter would send a message to the other guardians. I am the youngest and therefore the most approachable."

"Is the crown prince of Zaeter ok? We are in the middle of enemy territory, if we try a long distance transmission we could be found." Ember said

"Yes, but after we return to your friends, you are lucky they are on the edge of my territory, if they'd missed it this could be a very different conversation."

With the crate floating silently behind them, Ember quietly followed the box. The boys were up front, Jex communicating with Ayden and Quint, Theo was talking to Tred. Ember couldn't help it though, the adrenaline started pumping harder in her veins. She felt the weight of the Haltric on her, the souls that depended on her; suddenly the woods had eyes and ears, and neither were friendly. Her fingers tightened around the hilt of her sword. One of downsides of ADD was that she became aware of everything (she had to be to try and avoid distractions) and mixing that with adrenaline that made her hyperaware, it was a system overload.

"You ok back here?" Theo whispered as he fell into step with her

"Fine. It just all finally hit me. We're lightyears from Earth, from home. We're either deserters or counted as MIA. It's just..."

"Ayden told me you have ADD," Ember gave him a murderous look, "it's nothing to be ashamed of. It's ok, so your brain processes things different, if it's overwhelming just say something."

"Overwhelming." Ember mumbled

"Ok, do I need to call Ayden?" Ember shook her head as they followed Tred, "Where you on meds?"

"No they slowed me down too much. I normally listen to music or something."

"Ok don't worry." Theo smiled, "I'll help you relax when we get back. We can train or something if you want. For now let's follow the tree child."

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