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A/N: While most kids and teens were strolling around town for candy on Hollween night, I was writing. You're welcome! 😁👍 (I don't dress up for Halloween anyway.) Lol I hope you like it!!


"Station 45, Station 51, Squad 57, Battalion 2, respond to a structure fire at 3428 S. Broad St, 3428 S. Broad St. Time out: 5:45" the dispatcher's voice echoed through the halls of station 51.

Roy DeSoto was jolted out of a deep slumber. He groggily sat up, dropping his feet into his bunker boots and pulling on his turnout pants out of habit. He stumbled towards the squad, half-asleep.

The firefighter yawned, shutting the squad's door. He couldn't decide if this was real or just another dream. As he pulled out of the garage, the engine followed him as usual. Roy glanced at his partner. Johnny continued watching the road ahead of them, not glancing back at Roy.

Roy turned his head back to the road. The darkness of the early morning only reminded him that everyone else was sleeping. His heavy eyes struggled to remain open, but he kept driving towards the destination.

Roy drew in a deep breath, stepping out of the squad. The midnight air polluted with smoke, the bright flames, dancing across the building, and the rumbling of the emergency vehicles revived his senses. He glanced at Captain Stanley to confirm a plan of action, who nodded, directing his two experienced paramedics to head inside immediately.

The paramedic hoisted his heavy oxygen tank on his tired shoulders, alongside his partner. With their gear on, each firefighter raced toward the building. Huh, must be an apartment, he thought, noticing several windows on the two-story building.

Smoke thickly floated out as he opened the front door. Roy held his breath instinctively as he stepping inside. As the firefighter crawled up the stairs, he swept his hand left and right, searching for any victims.


Smoke filling her lungs, a young girl constantly coughed and gasped for just another breath of clean, fresh oxygen. Her consciousness wavered. She pulled herself along the floor inch by inch, weakness overcoming her. She struggled to keep her heavy eyes open. Suddenly hearing a noise across the room, the girl cracked her eyes open. She heard the same noise again and this time the door flew open.

"Help... please help me!" she weakly cried before passing out.


Roy kicked down doors to find no victims so far. He assumed almost everyone had already left for work or school. Then, a weak cry for help strained through the smoke. "Help... please help me!"

"Fire Department! Where are you?" No answer. The smoke at this point was too dense to see a hand twelve inches from his face. "Can you still hear me?" he asked. It seemed as if he'd been talking to a ghost. Again, nothing. No answer. No coughing. Not even a wheeze for air in the least.

The firefighter continued to search, swaying his hands around on the floor. The faint crackling of the flames slowly became louder. The simple outline of a table and chairs were revealed to Roy as he passed them. Moments of the tragedy he'd lost two kids flashed in front of him, only reminding him of the terrible mistakes he'd made.

His heartbeat raced, as he accelerated his pace. I have to find them, he told himself. Passing by each piece of furniture in the apartment, he could only think of the families. This was their lives being destroyed all around him. Families' lives were being devoured, if not by the flames, then the smoke. Move faster! Just a little faster! he continued to repeat to himself.

Then finally his hand ran into a limp body laying on the floor. He could finally breathe, but only for a second. That was only half of the rescue. Roy lifted the victim up and retraced his steps back towards the door he'd entered through.

Drops of sweat rolled down his cheeks and the bridge of his nose, proving the intense heat seemed to have rised in temperature. Of course, that also could've been because he had been in a structure fire with a oxygen tank strapped to his back, carrying a victim.

Once he had arrived almost all of the way there, his heart dropped down to his stomach. The door was engulfed in flames. He turned around, trying to search for another exit. His sore muscles begged him to rest, but Roy continued.

His knees began to shake with each step. Suddenly Roy collapsed. No energy left. He took off his mask and gave the victim oxygen. After about a minute, she gasped, then coughed. She pushed the mask away, but Roy said, coughing bewteen words, "No, it's fine... It's okay... I'm here... Just slowly breathe in."

Roy couldn't see her smile. He couldn't see her relief that she really was going to survive. He couldn't see her apprecitation. He couldn't see how much she trusted in him more than he even trusted himself.

If only he could...

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