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I dedicate this chapter to @mem5701 because she has been a great reader. Whenever she likes a chapter, she votes/comments on it. That is seriously one big thing that keeps me writing!! Sometimes when I have writer's block I just look at the comments and I am able to go back to writing. It gives me the confidence to keep going! So thank you @mem5701 so much! It may seem little, but it's big to me! Check out her Emergency! fanfiction, The Rescues Continue!


The crew of station 51 invited Mrs. Billings to stay for lunch, so she accepted their generous offer. While eating Stoker's great spaghetti, she began sharing what her kids were like.

"Carrie was our little toddler. She smiled all the time. Now that I think about it, she didn't even whine very much. She was so sweet."

All the firefighters listened without speaking a word; Roy could almost feel the understanding and concern in the air.

"Billy was so much like his father. He always liked to spend time with him when he was fixing cars in the garage or watching football. He was definitely a daddy's boy. Billy was always so smart. Lots of times he came running in with a paper with an A or B in his hand and the biggest smile you've ever seen."

For a woman that just lost her kids, she sure seemed happier than some people would have been. Most people would probably be still sitting at home and blaming everyone. Then she begins talking about her kids? It didn't make much sense to Roy, but he thought it was wonderful. It was amazing how she could go though what she went through and be this cheerful this quick.

"Wow, Mrs. Billings! I am so sorry I wasn't able to get them out."

"I am sad, but I realized I had to move on with life. I couldn't just spend the rest of my life worrying about something I can't change and you shouldn't either. You have to move on."

After the red-headed firefighter nodded, no one said a word. After a few moments Roy's voice broke the dry silence.

"Thanks. I just don't want you to think of me as a hero. 'Cause I was just doing my job. I don't deserve any special attention for what I did. When you think about it, I didn't really do anything. I just ran into a burning building and ran out with not even one person in my arms even though both of your kids were in there. I don't know about you, but I don't call that a hero at all. So please don't think of me as one."

"I understand. Just..." she sighed, "Just promise me one thing."

"What's that?"

"Promise me that you won't quit your job over something like this. Please... promise."

Roy thought about what she had just said. He didn't think could promise that, but he did see the worry in her eyes. She actually cared about him. Most people wouldn't even think to thank the firefighter, much less care for him like this.

"I'll try not to quit over something like this."

"Promise you'll try your best?"


"Good," she replied with a smile.

The conversation was over, but Roy was still quietly thinking about it afterwards.

After Mrs. Billings left, Captain Stanley approached Roy and reminded him, "Hey, Ah, Roy, what's the number one rule when you're a firefighter?"

"Yeah, I know," he sighed, "Never get emotionally involved with the situation."

"Alright, I know it's hard. I just wanted to remind you about that you can't let it get to you."

Roy knew that rule all too well. Over the years he was surprised how sometimes he didn't. He didn't know a way how he couldn't have gotten emotionally involved in this situation.

Later while Marco and Roy were washing and drying dishes, it was silent, but they could both tell that there was deep thought. Each knew what each other was thinking about. What else could there be to think about?

"Roy," Marco began, "I've been thinking. Remember all that smoke in the house? There was so much, especially at your end."


"Well, because of the smoke, the kids might have been gone before you could have saved them."

Roy nodded silently.

"I guess all I'm trying to say is that you shouldn't beat yourself up so much. Just try you're best."

He agreed with everyone's advice and he would probably have said some of the same things. All this happened so fast- too fast. Roy was going crazy; he didn't know what to do with himself. He knew just needed to take time off to calm down.

Emergency!- Why Do It? #Wattys2017Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum